Blog Tour, Book Reviews

Mistake of Magic Blog Tour Plus Review


Author: Alex Lidell

Pub. Date: June 29, 2018

Publisher: Danger Bearing Press

Formats: Paperback, eBook

Pages: 193

Find it: GoodreadsAmazon


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Three trials stand between Lera and exile. Unless the training kills her first.

Quint magic has never chosen a human before, and the Elders Council is convinced Lera is a mistake.

When the quint refuses to be cleaved apart, the enraged elders give them a choice: exile from Lunos or demotion to the lowest of trainees. Subject again to the humiliations and deadly trials they endured centuries ago, the males now face a new challenge—training Lera to survive.

River, Shade, Coal, and Tye will do whatever it takes to keep Lera safe. But Lera will do whatever she must to keep them together—even if it means putting herself in mortal danger.

My Review:

This series is one of a short list of reverse harem novels that are not so awkward that I became bored or just wanted to stop reading. Instead, all of the characters have their own stories rather than just being labeled as “Female with Males 1-4.” Even though Lera can be a little too nice for her own good sometimes and doesn’t have a very good sense of self-protection, she is still a good character.

In this story, we find the quint trying to be connected by the Council. The Council forces them to go through the trials that new quints go through to prove their worth, which is a slap in the face to the other guys who have been around for centuries and should be easily able to defeat the new quints. Now, they have to try to complete the trials while protecting Lera who can’t take as much physical damage as the fae can without dying.

This novel was fast-paced and interesting all the way through, but it did not feel rushed. I didn’t think that I learned too much of the character’s individual backstories anymore but instead focused on how they are growing together in their unique situation. The world-building was amazing as we got to see how the “normal” quints functioned and what the personalities of those on the Council that basically ruled the Fae were.

The character development was incredible as Lera had to trust the guys and the guys had to use her strengths in order to seem like a successful quint and not an abnormal failure. There were no editing errors that I noticed, even though I was reading an advance copy of the novel. My only real complaint was that Lera seemed like a bit too much of a “damsel in distress” at times, but even when she couldn’t do much on her own, she was still able to help the guys simply by being there. She never came off as a useless character that was just added as a female, but a powerful lover of the four men who she was bound to.

I would recommend this story to lovers of fantasy, adventure, and/or reverse harem novels with strong female main characters, unique male harems, and fast-paced detailed plot.

Overall Rating: 5/5

Paperback/Ebook Giveaway!

Tour Schedule:

Week One:

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7/3/2018- BookHounds– Excerpt

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Week Two:

7/9/2018- Smada’s Book Smack– Review

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 7/10/2018- Adventures Thru Wonderland– Review

7/10/2018- Reese’s Reviews: My Addiction to Fiction– Review

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 7/12/2018- books are love– Review

7/12/2018- K.L. Knovitzke – Author– Excerpt

 7/13/2018- The Hermit Librarian– Excerpt

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  1. Beautiful review ❤

    1. Thank you!

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