Graphic Novels/Manga/Webcomics

Men of the Harem Webtoon First Impressions

Latil did everything right. She waited for “the one,” fell for him entirely, and even waited for him to return when he had to go to his father’s kingdom. She was completely certain that he would marry her, they were in love! Then, she receives an invitation to his wedding. His wedding to another woman.  This crushes her, and then her father dies. She must gain control of her kingdom, and to do that she must marry. Lati couldn’t possibly marry right now, she just lost the love of her life! So rather than promise her heart to one man, she decides to create a harem. Male rulers are expected to have a harem, even if they did not want one. Latil’s decision may be looked at strangely because she is a woman, but she makes her decision. Without fail, the men of the kingdom and neighboring kingdoms see this as an opportunity to gain more political power in Latil’s kingdom, so Latil’s harem grows. 

I haven’t read Webtoons in a long time but I decided that I wanted to check out a few of the new ones. This was the first one that caught my eye, as reverse harem novels are my guilty pleasure. I’ve read the first 15 chapters of Men of the Harem, and it surely did not disappoint. 

Latil is such a strong character. I don’t know what I would do if I lost the man I loved and my father in the same short period of time. The man who shall not be named even had the audacity to suggest that Latil decide to be a part of HIS harem! The audacity. Rather than standing up for the one he loved, he would expect her to live her life satisfied to be viewed as a homewrecker. Any children she bore by him would be viewed as bastards, even though both she and him have royal blood. She would lose her power and sway with the other kingdoms by being a part of his harem, as no one sitting on a throne would consider putting themselves in that position. He would ask her to give up so much for him, and he would not even give up one political partnership for her. Screw him!

By episode 15, Latil’s harem is only beginning to grow. I don’t have anyone that I personally think she should end up with “forever.” I think that will be the end goal of the series, for Latil to pick a husband from the harem. I wish the story would instead embrace polyamory and have Latil fall for several people, but I doubt it will go there. Instead, I will have to be satisfied with a few love storylines, and find a pairing to root for until I reach the end of the comic. 

 The art in this comic is phenomenal. Sometimes I don’t love the Korean comic art style (see my review for Ghost Wife), but this artist drew beautifully. I truly felt immersed in this fantasy world full of political and romantic drama. As this is a fairly new Webtoon, we probably have at least a year or more of content until the story is over. I am here for the ride!

I would recommend this to anyone looking for a new political drama/reverse harem fantasy story to read. 

Rating so Far: 5 out of 5 paintbrushes. 

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