Book Reviews

Lady’s Wager Review

Lady's Wager by [Lee, Georgie]

I received this book for free in exchange for my honest review.

Charlotte Stuart is an heiress who enjoys giving money to charity to help the less fortunate. She had fallen in love once, but he was just with her for her money, and she was mortified when she discovered that. Now she is back in London high society where she meets Lord Woodcliff. She isn’t of her feelings for him, but she knows that she will not make a fool of herself again.

I love reading short historical romance novels. They do not take much time, and they usually leave me feeling satisfied. I loved this story….up until the end. There is always a small conflict in this type of story, but for some reason in this story I just felt that it was never resolved. I felt that the happy ending came too easily, I would have liked to see the main characters talk a bit more before everything just wrapped itself up. But overall, the story wasn’t horrible, and I would definitely read more by this author.

Overall Rating: 3/5

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