5-Star Reads, Book Reviews

Inkheart Review (Inkworld #1)

Mo and Meggie are a father-daughter bookworm team. Mo runs a business where he binds collector’s books, and Meggie goes with him on his jobs throughout the world as she reads her way through her own mini collection of books. Everything seems to be normal until one night a strange visitor named Dustfinger arrives. He takes her father into a private room, and as Meggie spies on the conversation, she overhears that a man named Capricorn wants a book that Mo has. The next day Mo takes Meggie and Dustfinger to the south, to Meggie’s aunt Elinor and her book collection. Dustfinger is an interesting person to Meggie, and he has a horned ferret-like pet and is a fire-eater.

While spending time with her book-addicted Aunt Elinor, Meggie sees Mo give a strange book called Inkheart to the aunt. That night, men come and take Mo and the book away, but it is revealed that Elinor secretly switched the books against Mo’s wishes so she could secretly read it. They must all go to Capricorn’s village with the real Inkheart and hope that Mo is alive and well so they can all go home. This sets them on an adventure filled with a host of interesting characters and magical book-reading.

This book took me longer than average to finish because it is a 500-page book! Some parts of the story took me a while to finish simply because they weren’t as action-packed as others, but if you can get past a few dry spells the book is definitely worth your time. It is all about the magic that books can bring, and I can easily see this becoming a classic in the future. It has all the things that make a great adventure story, unique characters, unique story, and a lot of description and action. I will be reading the rest of the Inkheart series, and I recommend this to anyone who has the time/patience to read a 500-page amazing story.

Overall Rating: 4.5 out of 5 books. 

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  1. I’m actually quite a sucker for long books! I don’t like for books to end! Hey, question, do you also post these reviews on Amazon and/or Goodreads?

    1. I was debating on goodreads, my account name on there should either be briennai or briennaij, but i usually just put the star rating on there and keep track of the books that I want to read. I never even thought of Amazon…i never buy books from there though so probably not. I usually like long books but I like to feel accomplished quickly. I can do 400 pages in 3-4 hours when it’s mostly narration. But in a book as descriptive as this i had to read so slowly that it took me longer than I had liked to finish it.

      1. I can relate. Some styles of writing just take more concentration.

        I asked about Amazon because our books are found there and we have been looking for people to review. Given the books you’ve shown so far, I have a feeling you would really enjoy reading our book These Great Affects by Andrew Toy. Let me know if you’re thinking about branching to Amazon and we might can work something out 🙂

        1. I’m definitely interested and I’m not opposed to Amazon, email me at thelighteninggirl@gmail.com if you need more details!

          1. Will do! Thanks!

  2. […] Bri’s Blog 2017 […]

  3. Clouded says:

    These reviews are actually getting a hell of a lot better! You’ve actually gotten me interested in a book I never thought I’d pick up before. Keep up the good work.

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  5. I had never thought about this being a book, I loved the movie!

    1. I knew about the book and movie at the same time and played the ds lite game before watching either. And one of my friends who was older than me at the time had given me a brief description of what the book was about.

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