Book Reviews

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone Review

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (Harry Potter, #1)

Harry is a lonely boy who lives with his horrible aunt, uncle, and cousin Dudley. His life with them is miserable as they hate being stuck with him after Harry’s parents died in a car accident. Near his 11th birthday, he starts to get letters, but his Uncle is sure to hide them from him. However, the letters keep coming, until his Uncle decides to move his family out to an island. Then Hagrid arrives, telling Harry Potter he is a wizard, and whisking him away to Hogwarts. This is the story of the Boy Who Lived, and his adventures as a first year.

I haven’t read this book since I was 11 years old like Harry, but I remember reading the entire thing in a day when I first read it. This time, I took more time to actually read through the story, and I realized that while I though this was my favorite Harry Potter book, it actually is not! I enjoyed reading about Harry and his friends, but I definitely enjoyed the writing style of the future books.

Since most people on this blog have most likely read this book before, I am going to simply say my favorite part of this story. My favorite part of this story was definitely the Halloween events. No spoilers, but it really interested me how everything seemed to come together after it.

Onto the next book, which will definitely have more details about each character in its review 🙂

Overall rating: 4/5

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