4-Star Reads, Book Reviews

Halloween Monsters A Guide of Spooky Facts and Faces Review

Halloween Monsters is a book for kids full of fun facts about the different creepy creatures that make up the stories surrounding Halloween. Some of these facts even surprised me, I know I would have loved to read this book as a kid as a fact nerd. A few of the facts seem like they would be a bit scary for younger children (think 7 or under) but this is definitely more of a story to be read to kids. Just skip over the scarier ones if you think that it would be too much for your young one!

The only thing that kept this from being a 5 star read for me were the illustrations. One of my favorite things about kids’ books is when they keep the drawings simple so that kids can copy it on their own. These drawings were a mixture of different mediums, some photos, some drawings, and some collages. They didn’t draw my attention that much, and I don’t think they would hold the attention of a kid that much. I think a revamp of the art could really boost these facts and make it hold the attention span of kids more! Nevertheless, I do think that the kids would have fun with the monster collages at the end of each fact section. Reading this book together as a family would be a fun activity.

I would recommend this as a fun Halloween read for families. I received this book and this is my voluntary review. 

Overall Rating 4 out of 5 books.

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