Book Reviews

Golden Review

Golden (The Golden Trilogy Book 1) by [Robinson, K.M.]

These modern retellings of story-tales are really stepping up their game!
This story is a retelling of Goldilocks and the Three Bears. Instead of Goldilocks being a naive little girl who just happened to wander into a house full of bears, she is a grown woman who has been trained in order to infiltrate the hideout of the Baer family. She has been trained by her cousin Lowell and her “handler”/partner Shadoe to think that the Baers are evil. Her mission is to get close to the youngest Baer, Dov. However, when she is there, she realizes that she may be working for the wrong team, and starts to get closer to Dov than she had expected to.

I read this as part of the Golden Readalong back in June, and I just forgot to write a review for it. I loved this book. It was amazing. It had the perfect mixture of romance and action, and it was a very well written retelling! They had a lot of action near the end of the story, but that doesn’t mean that the pacing was off throughout. Everything seemed to be very well balanced, and I enjoyed every minute of reading this. Although I haven’t gotten a chance to continue the trilogy as there are no more books out yet, I just bought the prequel novella from Amazon for a buck, and it just came out this month! Excited to share more of it with you guys!

Overall Rating: 5/5

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