Book Reviews

Freya Snow: Wings Review (Freya Snow Book #3)

Song I listened to while reading this:

Usually my songs that I listen to match the theme of the book, but this book was not a happy-go-lucky novel. It had some angst. But for some reason, listening to this song in the background helped me finished chapters 9-16 in one sitting, so I suppose it works!

Freya is still in love with Damon, and when she finally starts to date him, she finds out that he is a Demon. As she is an Angel, this might be a danger to their brand new relationship. Her grades are slipping even though she is trying to study, and she finds out that Amber has been hiding some things about her parents. Her foster parents are also trying to have another kid, which means that she might be sent back to the foster home, most likely for the next few months before she turns 18.

Lastly, someone has upset the balance of magic, and magical creatures are wandering through the streets, which means that Freya must work harder in order to hide magic from the human world. But her Wings are also showing constantly now, so in order to hide magic from the human world, she must also mask herself.

This series just gets better and better with every book. I loved Damon and Freya’s relationship, as it was healthy and beneficial to the both of them. It did not interfere with the story as Freya was still able to go on adventures and fight demons, even though her boyfriend technically classified as one.

This story was a surprisingly quick read, but I found myself enjoying every second of it. I would recommend this series to anyone looking for an action packed YA fantasy story with a hint of romance.

Overall Rating:  6/5

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