Book Reviews

Forsaken Heart Review

Forsaken Heart (The Forsaken Series, #1)Gawain is sent for Bede and her sister, and Bede must trust him to take them to safety. Gawain has never given in to his personal desires, and he lives to serve his royals. Now, he can barely keep his vampire side from drinking Bede dry.

When Bede’s sister goes missing, she has to trust Gawain to bring her back. She finds herself still falling for Gawain, even though he shies away from her at almost every opportunity. She can’t help herself, and she just hopes that the both of them will be able to focus long enough to find her little sister.

When I originally saw this cover, I thought that it was going to be one of those highlander romances. I am a bit wishy-washy with those, so I was excited to learn that it was actually a vampire alpha romance.

The majority of this story focuses on Bede’s romance with Gawain, and not the actual world. This was not necessarily a good thing, as sometimes it felt as if most of the story had been squished in between their frequent sex scenes. I did get the gist of the main plot, but I believe it could have been expanded upon a bit more. Nevertheless, I understand that this is a romance series, so each book might end up focusing on the romance of the main characters and then build the world on the side throughout the novels.

I did like the character development. Gawain was used to only looking out for himself and putting all of his effort into serving the royals, so having another person to care about was actually rather strange for him. He did his best not to give in to his physical desire for Bede, but in the end, his instincts just overtook him.

The only thing that I didn’t really understand by the end of the story was the whole “Punished for sins not her own” part of the synopsis. I didn’t feel like this had been fully explained throughout the novel, and if I didn’t see it in the synopsis, I would not have been expecting it. This is why I unusually don’t like to focus too much on the synopsis and instead choose to let the book tell its own story.

The plot flowed fairly smoothly, albeit quickly, and there were no grammar errors that I noticed. For a short romance story, it was actually written pretty well! There weren’t any of the random plot holes that are usually left in short stories.

I would recommend this to lovers of adult romance novels.

I received a copy of this book and this is my voluntary review.

Overall Rating: 4 out of 5 stars

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