4-Star Reads, Book Reviews

Fierce Winds Rising Review (Tales of the Ersellian Winds #1)

I received a free copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.

This epic fantasy story takes place through the eyes of several different characters. Artem Harrold wants to reclaim his kingdom’s lands, and compromises with Seralynd’s kingdom by marrying her. Orphaned Seralynd tries to bring her dying kingdom back into happiness and prosperity, but she is only 17 and she has a crush on one of her guards. In a neighboring entity, Rosamund is in charge of a small fleet of men, and while she is trying to stay on the good side of the commander so he does not dissolve her team, she is also falling in love with Stony, the in-person leader of her team. A self-taught magician is struggling to teach himself how to do more advanced spells so he can be recognized as a proper magician.

 This may seem like a lot of information to take in and a very convoluted storyline. However, Richard handles all of the storylines with ease, and I never found myself backtracking in the story because I had forgotten what had happened to a certain character and now that it’s in their point of view I am totally lost. It was a very smooth read for a story that had that many storylines.

 I enjoyed delving into this fantasy world. My favorite storyline was either the magician’s or Seralynd’s, but none of them were so uninteresting that it ruined the storyline for me. I am glad that this book is part of a series and I cannot wait to read the next book to tie up some of the loose ends of all the unique characters.

 Overall Rating: 4 out of 5 books. 

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  1. I’m adding this to my TBR! It sounds really good 🙂
    Great review!

    1. Sophie, if you would like to review the book, please contact me, and I’ll give you a free eBook. My email address can be found here: https://rfdinoso.com/contact/

  2. Thank you Bri for the honest and thorough review.

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