
Fanfiction Friday: Marvel Cinematic Universe Edition!

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So I’ve been going through one of my fanfiction stages again, and I have found some really good ones! Specifically, I have been reading a lot of fanfiction about characters from the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

All types of fanfiction have their bad stories, but I find that the MCU fanfiction honestly has a higher volume of poorly written stories. I specifically wanted stories where Tony Stark and Peter Parker had a father/son sort of relationship, and maybe with a bit of angst, and I just got a ton of stories where Peter was just randomly attacked and kidnapped and Tony was just “Oh No My Son Is Gone Whatever Shall I Do?!!” I enjoy stories about kidnapping or angst in that way, but not when they are written like that.

Nevertheless, I found quite a few absolutely amazing stories/series, and I am going to share what I found with you all!

Febuwhump 2019

This story by undeerqueen is a collection of drabbles about Peter Parker and Tony Stark’s father/son relationship. So far, all the one-shots have been great, and I think that they will continue to be updated throughout the month of February. They take place in different universes, so you don’t have to worry about “catching up on” the chapters. They are all standalones.

5 Times Everyone Forgot How Smart Peter Actually Was

I am a sucker for these “5 times” stories, and this one is one of the best that I have ever read. It has Peter Parker and “IronDad” tendencies, but it also includes other characters from the MCU and their interactions with Peter. The fact that Peter was in an advanced science school is barely touched upon in the actual MCU, so this fanfiction about how his book smarts could be applied to the lives of the superheroes was perfect!

Who Watches The Heroes Series

Honestly, the installments of this series feel like full-length books. The 4 stories in the series so far add up to around 230,000 words, so they might as well be! The series starts with the book Long Shadows, which basically explores the idea of “What would happen if Venom infected MCU Peter Parker?” It is just so well-written, and I flew through it in a few days. It isn’t finished yet, but the author went on a break in September. They said that they needed time for school, so they will probably be back this summer. I personally can’t wait!

5 Times Peter Passed Out In Front of Tony + 1 Time He Passed Out Alone

Like I said before, I am a sucker for those “5 Times +1” stories. This one hasn’t been updated for a few months, but the author is still pretty active on Archive Of Our Own. It might be finished someday. Nevertheless, the chapters can all be read as standalones, so you don’t have to worry about being left on a cliffhanger.

Avenging The…Group Chat?

I will let you know that out of 100+ fanfictions that I have bookmarked on my phone, I can count on two hands the number of chatfics that I have. Well, unless you count the number of Twitter BTS chatfics that I have “liked,” but that is a post for another day. This group chat portrays the Avengers as a sort of family, which was truly cute, and I loved every minute of it.

These are just five stories/series, but I will be back with more next week. Thanks for reading!

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  1. My daughter reads these on Wattpad

    1. I used to read a few on Wattpad but I found that I prefer Archive of Our Own in general. But if your daughter is young, Wattpad might be better, AO3 has a lot more explicit fanfiction. Not these here but definitely on the site.

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