Book Reviews

Everywhere Unraveled (Foundlings #2)

Everywhere Unraveled (Foundlings, #2)



Jameson’s secret is finally out. Sophia doesn’t want it to get between them, but others in their lives don’t agree.

As a member of the witness protection program, Jameson had to erase all of his identity and move. He is still haunted by the memories of the death of his mother and sister, but Sophia has been helping him to forgive himself and move past those memories. Hos “aunt and uncle” are also a part of the program, there to protect him, and they do not agree with his relationship with Sophia in the slightest. Nevertheless, he still loves Sophia and wants to be with her.

After finding this out about Jameson, Sophia is shocked. Then she simply accepts it, because Jameson himself hasn’t changed. The two think they are safe, but then a hurricane destroys their part of Florida. Now, Sophia doesn’t have a home, and she doesn’t know what she will do if forced to separate from Jameson.

This was most likely my favorite story in this entire trilogy, simply because this was where I saw the most growth of both Sophia and Jameson. The hurricane storyline was important for both characters because they had just started to get used to living in the new environment. My overall favorite part of this story was definitely when Jameson needed emotional support from Sophia just as much as Sophia needed emotional support from him. They really leaned on each other through the storm and through the witness protection drama aftermath. Jameson is fighting with himself, saying that he will end up getting Sophia hurt. Sophia is fighting with him, saying that he will hurt her more by leaving her.

I would recommend this to anyone looking for a YA romance-suspense novel.

I received this book for free and left a voluntary review.

Overall Rating: 5/5

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