Book Reviews

Enlightened Review

Enlightened by [Kowalewski, Billie]

Veronica has spent the last 5 years mourning the death of her soulmate. When she starts to have strangely painful headaches, she doesn’t know what to do anymore. One day, she visits her soulmate’s grave. She never comes home. When she wakes up, she sees her soulmate Seth in front of her. Then, she regains her memories. Veronica is really a soul named Harmony, and her soulmate Seth is really her Earth School classmate Kaleb. Kaleb is the reason why she keeps dying and being sent home early.

The pacing of this novel was incredible, you will not experience any dull moments. Every character has their own personalities, and Veronica/Harmony is an especially unique one. The world-building of this novel is unbelievable. I usually struggle to visualize scenes, but I found myself being able to visualize all the scenes from both Harmony’s after-life and lives on Earth. Lastly, the storyline was one-of-a-kind Never before had I read a novel where Earth was training for souls, and this book describes it perfectly.

I would recommend this book to anyone looking for a fresh, new YA fantasy novel about reincarnation and souls.

Read my full review here:

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  1. This looks so intriguing! A lot of reviewers claim the beginning is really confusing. Did you find that to be the case?

    1. Nope! The beginning was just fine for me. And I’m someone that tends to get confused quite easily while reading.

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