Book Reviews

Enlightened Review

Enlightened (Immortal Chronicles Book 1) by [Britt, Samantha]

Songs I listened to while reading this book:

2U (Cover) by Jungkook of BTS :

4 O’Clock by Rapmonster and V of BTS:



Thank you Samantha for the giveaway that gave me a copy of this book, signed! Although I took forever to get around to reading it, I finally did, and I enjoyed every second of it.

Darcie has spent two years being homeschooled while living with her single father abroad as he studied ancient Mediterranean cultures. Now 17 years old, she lives in her hometown in Maine and spends her days with her best friend Marie. Her biggest struggles are trying to convince her father to allow her to attend college early so that she can further her education, and maybe landing a date with her Marie’s older brother Kevin. However, she meets a strange man named Thane at the library, and meets his jaw-dropping brother Des when she sneaks into a club. Soon, her world is turned upside down, as she exits the boring life of Darcie and enters the world of the immortals.

This book was so unique. It had perfect pacing for me, and I finished the 200 pages in about 1.5 hours. I loved the character Darcie, as she wasn’t the simple “damsel in distress” or “clueless girl thrown into magical world” but instead is a clever, witty, and strong willed young lady. She can be stubborn, as is usual for this type of story, but she never was stubborn enough to put herself into unnecessary danger in order to “prove someone wrong”. I loved the immortal characters, however I only learned the true backstory of 1 character within the whole book. Since this is a series, I anticipate learning more about the other characters in the next few books.

Altogether, I really enjoyed this book, and I recommend this to anyone looking for a compelling new YA fantasy.

Overall Rating: 5/5


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  1. OMG I love BTS!!

    1. I just spent literally…..6 hours straight watching kpop idols being silly and music videos. I think I have a problem.

      1. I’ve totally done that before, you’re not alone. I’m sooo excited for this comeback! I can’t wait!! *happy dance*

    2. Oh and I preordered their album, so you will get to see a post about that.

  2. FifteenthWonder says:

    Somehow, I feel enlightened…

    …Oh, wait.

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