Book Reviews

Dragon School: Initiate Review (Dragon School #2)

Dragon School: Initiate

Amel has passed her First Flight, and so she has to train to become a full-fledged Dragon Rider. First, her friend is injured, then she is entrusted with an important message. Just when she was starting to feel comfortable enough to call the Dragon School her home, she’s learning secrets about the school that make her feel unsafe.

This book felt even shorter of a read than the first book, but it was simply because I flew through it so quickly. Every installment of the Dragon School series is an amazing read. I am glad that we are seeing Amal’s growth as a Rider, but she doesn’t magically go from the girl with the “bad leg” to being a strong and courageous Dragon Rider. She has to take classes, pass tests, and prove her worth to herself, her teachers, and her classmates. This is definitely easier said than done, but Amal is determined to do it. She has a friend in her Dragon, and has friends that she has made at the school, but the School itself has many secrets that could make her unsafe.

The pacing of this novel was perfect. There wasn’t a dull moment in this novel, and all scenes were described in perfect detail. I definitely can’t wait to read the rest of this series, just to see how the world expands as Amal goes through her years at the School. I also can’t wait to see more of Amal’s personal growth throughout the series.

I would recommend this book to anyone looking for a short and fun YA fantasy read!

Overall Rating: 5/5

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