Book Reviews

Dear Martin Review

Dear Martin

Justyce is top of his class and headed for an Ivy League school, but he is also one of the only African American boys in his area. This is emphasized when he is put in handcuffs after trying to transport an intoxicated friend back home after a party. He has tried to fit in with the white boys at his school, but he is simultaneously hurt when they are oblivious to the racial differences between them.

When Justyce is riding in the car one day with his friend Manny, they have the music turned up high. This angers an off-duty white cop, and they are caught in the crosshairs of the policeman’s gun. When the media gets involved, Justyce is the one under attack.

This is an important book for everyone to read, just as The Hate U Give is important. It even better than The Hate U Give for people who don’t read that much, as it is shorter. I would have read this entire book in one sitting if I didn’t take a break to eat in between chapters.

This book shows that no matter how “good” someone can be, it will always come down to race in America. It wouldn’t matter if a boy like Justyce, who didn’t do drugs or belong to a gang, was innocent. In the eyes of a cop, he could be just another troublemaker. This resonates with me, an African American girl who is also good in school and applying to high-achieving colleges. There could be a day where I am in the wrong place at the wrong time and killed, whether it be a case of mistaken identity or simply a racist person with a gun.

I think that it is important for people to read stories like this because even though they may be fictional, it really opens your eyes. Hopefully, these types of stories will simply be historical fiction when I  am an adult, and that my generation can start to eliminate racism.

Overall Rating: 6/5

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  1. I’ve heard a lot of good things about this novel and I really want to try to get to it next year. I absolutely loved The Hate U Give and if this is anything like it, I know I’ll love it too. These are the kind of books that should be getting attention, books with a message in them. I am glad that books like these and The Hate U Give are finally getting recognition and popularity among diverse audiences.

    1. It’s definitely worth the read. I hope that next year there will be more stories like this, bringing more light to the issue.

  2. FifteenthWonder says:

    Race sure is an important issue. When you take some time, it’s not hard to look and find the disparities in culture because of race – education, socio-economic status, and even “crime” and punishment. I like how books especially like these aren’t afraid to speak about this disparity, while simultaneously giving the reader a chance to look at what goes on at the “other side”.

    Our culture is trying to take a stand on many issues, but I hope that soon, race and religion come to an end. We likely have a lot of work to do, and it’s nowhere near over, but little by little, we can all work to do our part… Even if it’s a simple act of chivalry a day.

    1. FifteenthWonder says:

      *issues on race and religion. I don’t want race and religion eradicated! God I wish I could go back and edit.

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