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Dark(ish) Faerie Tale Quadrilogy Blog Tour Plus Reviews!



A Dark(ish) Faerie Tale
Book One
Candace Blevins
Genre: Dark Fantasy, Fairy Tales, Romance
Publisher: Kaleidowords Publishing
Date of Publication:  April 20, 2018
ISBN:  9781386590101
Number of pages: 133
Word Count:  36,000 words
Cover Artist:   Willsin Rowe
Book Description:
Because you’re never too old for Faerie Tales…
Halflings born in the human realm can stay if they can pass for human, but a baby with bright red and yellow hair, pointed ears, glowing green eyes, and swirled purple and green nails had to be relocated. With no family in Faerie to claim her, the newborn was auctioned off as a slave.
In Faerie, slaves are property with no rights. The baby is now an adult, and has been given in tribute to The Winter Queen.
Queen Mab has worked hard to make everyone in Faerie fear her, but her new pleasure slave enjoys the kiss of her whip. Can the Dark Queen have a tender side? The Dragon King once loved her, after all, so there has to be more to her than the evil, ruthless queen we’ve seen so far.
Climb aboard and experience the best and worst the Winter Queen can dish out.
Slave is book one in the Dark(ish) Faerie Tale quadrilogy. The series takes place within the greater Kirstin O’Shea universe, but can be read without being familiar with the other books and series.
My Review
Admittedly, this is the first time that I have truly delved into this dark romance genre. I decided to give it a try, and even though not every part was for me, it was still an excellent read! Little One has never had to make any decisions for herself, even deciding what she wants to eat, and Queen Mab is surprised when she finds out how obedient she is as a slave. Queen Mab scares herself when she finds herself feeling more than she should for her slave, and Little One loves everything that Queen Mab does for her.
The world-building is limited when the book is told from Little One’s POV, as she only knows how to be a slave and only has memories of her world when she is a slave. However, when the story is told from Queen Mab’s POV, it definitely explains more about the world that they are living in. Nevertheless, I still felt that something was missing, as if the world was only half-created. I still got confused as to the surroundings of Mab and Little One at certain points of the story. I wish that a little more time had been put into creating the world of the novel.
The character development in this series does not really pick up until book 2, but in this book, Little One does have to learn how to be independent in some ways. Queen Mab definitely grows from being fairly cold to grow a soft spot for her pleasure slave.
The plot was well paced and no moment seemed to be boring. I sped through this book as it was short, but it didn’t feel short or rushed as I was reading. I felt satisfied after reading it as if I had read a full book. I didn’t feel as if the book was forcing me to read the next novel in the series to get the rest of the story.
I did not find any editing errors even though I received an advanced copy. This allowed me to be completely focused on the story and not distracted by any small errors.
I would recommend this novel to lovers of dark fantasy and dark adult romance novels.

Overall Rating: 4/5


Chapter One
Queen Mab
For every season, there are positives and negatives. Today is the summer solstice, and
I’m miserable in the heat. Plus, my sister is Queen of Faerie during the
From here on out, the days will grow shorter, and the time of my reign draws nearer. Come
the fall equinox, I’ll be the ruling Queen once more, and my days will be
filled with the duties of running the queendom.
However, for the time being, I had the luxury of spending all the time I wanted in my dungeons,
and I was fully taking advantage of the long days — there are so many people to
torture and play with in the bowels of my castle.
I’d acquired the former Eagle King as a result of a horse trade a while back, and was still
having great fun with him, but I’d been informed we had a new pleasure slave —
paid to me in tribute by a wealthy businessman — and she’d been put into a
holding room so I could personally handle her intake process.
Prisoners are fun to punish, but the rare pleasure slave who’s been trained to enjoy torture
is a special treat. I’d seen the paperwork on this girl, and based on her
previous owners and trainers, I had hopes she might prove a nice diversion.
I was informed she seemed a nervous wreck, so I went to the holding room instead of having her
brought to the throne room. I brought another slave with me, one who’d record
the new slave’s answers and any notes I wanted put into the girl’s file.
Contrary to what most probably think of the Wicked Winter Queen, I don’t make a habit of abusing my slaves just because I can. I’d whipped this particular stenographer slave once when she was rude to a business associate, and I’d assigned her to dishwashing duty in the kitchens for a month when she zoned off while on the job, but the girl’s been with me nearly fifteen years and those are the only
two times she’s been punished.
My first view of the new little pleasure slave sent tingles through my magic. She was a little
slip of a thing and strikingly beautiful. Someone had put her into my preferred
inspection pose — feet a little wider than shoulder width, perfect posture,
eyes straight ahead, fingers laced at the back of her head. She still held it
beautifully, and her arms didn’t appear to be shaking.
Some slaves hold their position when I enter, but most prostrate themselves. Neither choice
earns reprimand or punishment at this stage, but I was intrigued she’d chosen
to follow orders over protocol.
Whether she’d been naked when she arrived or had been stripped to nothing by my guards, I
didn’t know. I wasn’t certain of her most recent owner’s slave protocols for
travel, but the Master he purchased her from wouldn’t have permitted clothing
at any time, nor would her original owner, where she was raised and trained.
I walked in a circle around her, observing. She didn’t break posture. Didn’t move a
millimeter, other than to breathe. Her nails were swirled purple and green, her
red hair had streaks of gold, and her eyes practically glowed green. I circled
her a few more times, and noted her toenails matched her fingernails. I’d need
to double-check to be sure the familial searches had been done.
My new slave had enough muscle I knew she’d be able to handle what I doled out, but was soft
enough she’d still be fun to play with. I couldn’t wait to see her flawless
white ass with streaks of red from a strap, and then dotted with smaller
streaks from a flogger. However, she was too thin for my tastes, and I made a
mental note to check later to see if this was her natural size, or whether her
food intake had been severely restricted.
“What’s your name?”
A deeper breath, so she’d have enough air to speak, but she answered quickly, her eyes still
straight ahead without looking at me. “My original owner called me
seven-sixty-three, Ma’am. The Master I just came from called me little one.”
Before I slapped
the shit out of the girl for her impertinence, I asked, “Do you know who I am?”
“No, Ma’am?”
Her voice wavered and her arms finally shook a little. The poor thing was scared
shitless, and I was about to terrify her even more, whether I wanted to or not.
I softened my voice and said, “You address me as my Queen or Your Majesty,
Little One.”


A Dark(ish) Faerie Tale
Book Two
Candace Blevins
Genre: Dark Fantasy, Fairy Tales, Romance
Publisher: Kaleidowords Publishing
Date of Publication: April 27
ISBN: 9781386120636
Number of pages: 204
Word Count: 56,000 words
Cover Artist: Willsin Rowe
Book Description:
Even the Dark Queen can’t change destiny.
Tabitha has so much to learn about living with a family, and she makes her grandfather and cousins terribly uncomfortable when she doesn’t fit in. She was punished for looking free people in the eyes all her life, so it’s understandable she has trouble learning to maintain eye contact. And making decisions is impossible — from what she wants for breakfast, to when she’s tired enough for bed, and everything in between.
Her grandfather’s horses don’t judge, and working with them finally helps her begin to find a path towards figuring out this new life, where clothes must be worn all day, every day.
Just when she’s resigned herself to this life and is certain she’ll never enjoy sex again, an invitation arrives to attend one of the Winter Queen’s balls — along with a fancy gown that raises more questions than answers.
Lady is book two in the Dark(ish) Faerie Tale quadrilogy, and should be read in the correct order.
My Review: 
This novel had such amazing character development that I can’t even begin to talk about it. Tabitha has to learn how to be a normal person in society, but she has been taught by previous masters only to receive happiness from pain. Her current real family won’t punish her and they want to treat her as an equal, but Tabby feels uncomfortable acting as their equal. She ends up working with the horses and finds small happiness from them, but she still misses her Queen Mab.
Tabitha changes from the soft-spoken obedient maid, to a scared and awkward family member, to an almost normal girl. This book also had amazing world-building as the readers get to see what life is like for the other nobles and rich people who live outside of the castle. They also see how deep the slavers went to retrain the youth so that they would be able to be good slaves, as Tabitha tries to break out of that mindset.
The plot moves a bit slower in this novel as the focus is no longer on Tabitha and Mab’s relationship, but instead on Tabitha’s personal growth in the regular world. Nevertheless, it is still engaging, if not more engaging, to be able to see the world through Tabby’s eyes and see how she interacts with her environment.
If you are only here for the dark romance, be not dismayed! There still is romance in this novel, but it is focused more towards the middle to end and is very spoiler-y so I won’t be discussing it here.
Again, like the last book, there were no editing errors that I noticed in the advanced copy of the novel, so I wasn’t distracted by any small errors.
I would recommend this book to anyone who likes dark fantasy and dark romance with quite a bit of character development.
Overall Rating: 5/5


A Dark(ish) Faerie Tale
Book Three
Candace Blevins
Genre: Dark Fantasy, Fairy Tales, Romance
Publisher: Kaleidowords Publishing
Date of Publication:  May 11, 2018

ISBN: 9781386309246


Number of pages: 190

Word Count: 50,000

Cover Artist: Willsin Rowe
Book Description:
We don’t get to choose our lives, we only get to live them as they’re handed to us.
Mab wanted Tabby to get comfortable with life at the castle before being stressed with the responsibilities of Consort, but Prince Rowan’s timetable means some decisions must be made sooner rather than later.
Mab’s a rip-the-bandage-off kind of Queen, which means Tabby and Rowan aren’t in for an easy time.
Most people are terrified when they find themselves at the mercy of The Dark Queen.
Consort is book three in the Dark(ish) Faerie Tale quadrilogy, and should be read in the correct order.
My Review:
Even though I didn’t get the chance to finish reading this book, I have definitely enjoyed it so far. Now, the new character Rowan has been introduced and is an intricate part of the storyline. He has transformed from a spoiled brat to quite an obedient slave, and Mab is even surprised at how well his training has been coming along. Now, he must prepare to go back to being a Prince after months of being broken down and rebuilt. Tabitha did the majority of his horse training, and he only really flourished under her care.
I think that I was the most surprised at how Tabitha has gone from being a slave to being able to train spoiled princes on how to be a slave. This is definitely the biggest change in her character, but she is still Mab’s Little One. Now, Rowan is in the picture, but she is still quite loyal to Queen Mab. She is also still learning how to be a Lady.
The world-building is finally picking back up again in this novel, as we are starting to see the inner workings of the kingdoms surrounding Mab and Tabitha. Hopefully, I will learn even more as the story goes on.
The plot has been fast paced in this novel, but it is still not as short as Slave. I hope that this plot keeps being fast paced without rushing.
I will write an updated review with a star rating once I have finished this one, but it is definitely looking promising so far!


A Dark(ish) Faerie Tale
Book Four
Candace Blevins
Genre: Dark Fantasy, Fairy Tales, Romance
Publisher: Kaleidowords Publishing
Date of Publication: May 25, 2018
ISBN: 9781386175698

ASIN: B07C5B5344

Number of pages: 160

Word Count: 43,000

Cover Artist: Willsin Rowe
Book Description:
Life can take some complicated paths to get you where you need to be.
Prince Rowan can’t live in Mab’s castle forever. If he has any chance of holding onto his title and one day being King, he’ll need a wife and heirs, and he’ll have to live in his own castle, in his own demesne.
Mab is finally confident of her place in Tabby’s heart, so she isn’t jealous of the pain and sorrow her little one feels at the loss of Rowan.
It’s up to Mab and Rowan to find a way to hold their threesome together despite the political minefields in their way. Can they do it by making it a foursome?
Princess Tabitha has been slave, Lady, and Consort. She never wanted more, but sometimes destiny makes your choices for you.
Don’t miss the exciting conclusion to Tabby’s story!
Queen is book four in the Dark(ish) Faerie Tale quadrilogy, and should be read in the correct order.
About the Author:
Candace Blevins has published more than thirty-five books. She lives with her husband of twenty years and their two daughters. When not working or driving young teens all over the place, she can be found reading, writing, meditating, or swimming. The family’s beloved, goofy, retired racing greyhound is usually at her side as she writes, quietly keeping her company.
Candace writes Urban Fantasy, Paranormal Romance, Contemporary BDSM Romance, and a kick-ass Motorcycle Club series.
Her urban fantasy series, Only Human, gives us a world where weredragons, werewolves, werelions, three different species of vampires, and a variety of other mythological beings exist.
Candace’s two paranormal romance series, The Chattanooga Supernaturals and The Rolling Thunder Motorcycle Club, are both sister series to the Only Human series, and give some secondary characters their happily ever after. 
Her contemporary Safeword series gives us characters who happen to have some extreme kinks. Relationships can be difficult enough without throwing power exchange into the mix, and her books show characters who care enough about each other to fight to make the relationship work. Each couple in the Safeword series gives the reader a different take on the lifestyle. 
You can visit Candace on the web at and feel free to friend her on Facebook at and Goodreads at You can also join to get sneak peeks into what she’s writing now, images that inspire her, and the occasional juicy teaser. 
Stay up to date on Candace’s newest releases, and get exclusive excerpts by joining her mailing list at

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