Book Reviews

Damned Review (A Magnus Blackwell Novel #1)

Damned: A Magnus Blackwell Novel (Book 1)Over a hundred years after the death of Magnus Blackwell, Altmover Manor sits abandoned.

Lexie Arden and her fiancé, Will Bennet, are determined to rescue the neglected Mount Desert Island landmark. They want to make Altmover Manor their home. But Magnus has other plans.

A spirit bound to his former residence, Magnus finds himself inexplicably drawn to the young woman. She has a supernatural gift; a gift Magnus wants to exploit.

As Lexie and Will settle in, secrets from Magnus’s past begin to surface. Compelled to learn all she can about the former owner, Lexie becomes immersed in a world of voodoo, curses, and the whereabouts of a mysterious dragon cane.

Magnus’s crimes won’t be so easily forgotten, and what Lexie unearths is going to change the future … for everyone.

This novel drew me in and would not let me go. I absolutely loved reading about Lexie’s adventures as she tries to find out what really happened in her house, and why the ghost Magnus is attached to her. When she does research and finds out about the horrible things that happened in her house, she isn’t even sure if she wants to live there anymore. However, her husband doesn’t believe her and is determined to continue to live in his very own dream house.

The plot of this novel was fast-paced, and the twists were always unique. There were no editing errors that I noticed, and there also weren’t any plot holes even though this was the first book of the series. The world-building was also incredible, as I felt as if I was in the haunted house my self, seeing the crazy visions that Lexie would have. This book almost feels like two books rolled up into one and took me longer than expected to read, but it did not leave me bored for any long periods of time. It was just as engaging and addictive throughout.

The only thing that surprised me about this book was that it was truly an adult romance and had quite a few sex scenes. I was expecting more of a fantasy/paranormal thriller when I read the synopsis, but it will definitely entice people who love adult romance novels. This was not necessarily a bad thing, but it was something that I think could have also been included in the synopsis for people who aren’t interested in those kinds of stories.

Overall, the story was excellent, and I am almost done with the second book in the series now: Bound.

I would recommend this book to anyone looking for a paranormal thriller or adult romance novel.

I received a copy of this book and this is my voluntary review.

Overall Rating: 5/5

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