"Days" Posts, Book Reviews

Current Reads: Twilight New Moon and Twilight Breaking Dawn


I have a confession to make. I watched the movie before I read the Twilight books. To a reader, usually this is the greatest crime one could commit, but hear me out! I have good reason for doing this.

When it comes to the usual teenage girl romance stories, or some of the teen fiction in general, I tend to become very bored. From what I had heard about Twilight, I had expected either a very cheesy book/movie or something so boring I would fall asleep. Boy was I wrong!

Bracing myself for the worst I turned the first movie on a Friday in DecemberĀ I then proceeded to watch the next two movies on the Saturday. I became surprised how easily I became sucked into the story and could not stop watching. I read Twilight through my digital library during the holidays, and then I decided to move on to the next two books in the series.

I actually really disliked the New Moon movie. To me it seemed that throughout the whole thing, it was simply Jacob falling head over heels for Bella while she simply kept depressing herself and ignoring him. I felt annoyed because it was illogical for her to be so attached to someone who left her so coldly and to ignore someone who clearly liked her a lot. I just felt bad for him as she denied him again and again.

While I am not on any side for either person through the series because I can see major flaws for both characters, the New Moon book/movie will not be one that I will be focusing on for a very long time. However, Breaking Dawn is a completely Different Story. I adored the first part of the movie and could tolerate what I considered to be the rather boring second half. However, since the book is all in one, I feel that I wont feel the same excitement and then boredom since it will not be split into two parts. I will not have a way to really separate the two.

Hopefully I will be done with these two books and able to have a review out by next Monday, however I may be reviewing a different book prior to that. Thanks for reading!

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