Book Reviews

Court of Secrets Blog Tour Plus Review


About The Book:Court of Secrets_Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing_72dpi.jpg

Title: COURT OF SECRETS Reverse Harem Fantasy (Forbidden Queen #1)

Author: Dyan Chick

Pub. Date: October 15, 2018

Publisher: Dyan Chick

Formats: Paperback, eBook

Pages: 216


Four Sexy Fae Princes. A Changeling Fae. A Secret that could end them all.

When Cassia’s wedding is ruined by a monster attack, her whole life changes. Destined for the dull and uneventful life of a Baron’s wife, Cassia always dreamed of more. She never thought it would come in the form of three sexy fae princes. 

When she accidentally uses magic, Cassia discovers that she’s not human. She’s a changeling, a fae hidden in the human world. She no longer belongs in the human realm, but she won’t survive on her own in Faerie. 

Now, her only hope is the three sexy fae princes who saved her life on her wedding day. On the run from the monsters that attacked her, Cassia must help the princes hunt them down. Her life depends on them, and by the time this is over, they might need her as much as she needs them. 

Court of Secrets is a full-length Reverse Harem Fantasy Novel

Book 1 of 4 

My Review

I love reverse harem fantasy novels, and this one is going into my collection of favorites.

Let me start with the Cassia. She isn’t powerless in this one, she always helped them with their monster kills from the start of the novel. She might not have full control over her powers, but she definitely has strong powers and uses them to help the boys at every turn. She is a changeling, a Fae placed into a human home, and she was able to escape in time so that her powers wouldn’t be permanently erased. She has always been on her own, whether she was with her father or her betrothed, so she does enjoy having someone else that she can trust. Nevertheless, she is determined to strike out on her own in the Fae realm eventually. She just needs the help of the boys to get rid of the monsters that are coming for her.

I honestly can’t wait to read the next three books in this series. If this is how things are starting, I can’t imagine how Cassia will be by the end of the series. I imagine that she will be fighting alongside the boys like she already has, but with her trained powers. It will definitely be something that I will be interested in reading.

I don’t know too much about the boys, but they all are unique in their own way. I hope that the next three books will allow the readers to see their pasts and their relationship with Cassia grow. Personally, I think that Cormac will have the most interesting backstory. The characters that seem stoic/cold always seem to have a story that could take up a whole extra novel.

There was a little character development as Cassia had to adjust to the Fae realm from the human realm, but I think that there will definitely be more development in future books. The plot moved smoothly, and this definitely felt like a full-length fantasy novel even though it was short. There were no grammar errors that I saw in the advanced copy of the novel.

I would recommend this book to lovers of fantasy and reverse harem novels.

I received an advance copy of this book and this is my voluntary review.

Overall Rating: 5 out of 5 stars




Dyan.jpgAbout Dyan:

My story is probably similar to a lot of other writers out there. As a kid, I was creative, imaginative, and loved to write. I’d write scripts for plays and make my sisters act them out. I got excited about the writing prompts for standardized tests in elementary school. I started writing my first (unfinished) novel in 5th grade. Then started another one in middle school. For a long time, I was a closet writer. I didn’t tell anybody that I had a hard drive full of abandoned stories. After years of not finishing anything, I finally took the plunge and started taking writing, and myself as a writer, seriously. My first novel, Heir of Illaria, published January 23, 2017. Book 2 is right around the corner. It’s gone from closet hobby to full on addiction. Thankfully, I have a wonderfully supportive husband who doesn’t look at me like I’m crazy when I talk about my characters as if they’re real.

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Tour Schedule:

Week One:

10/15/2018- Bri’s Book Nook– Review

10/15/2018- BookHounds– Interview

10/16/2018- Books a Plenty Book Reviews– Review

10/16/2018- Writer of Wrongs– Excerpt

10/17/2018- Reese’s Reviews– Review

10/17/2018- Books,Dreams,Life– Spotlight

10/18/2018- Ace Reads– Review

10/18/2018- A Gingerly Review– Excerpt

10/19/2018- Belle’s Archive– Review

10/19/2018- Patriotic Bookaholic– Excerpt


Week Two:

10/22/2018- Book Briefs– Review

10/22/2018- Dazzled by Books– Excerpt

10/23/2018- Two Chicks on Books– Excerpt

10/23/2018- Parajunkee– Spotlight

10/24/2018- TMBA Corbett Tries to Write– Interview

10/24/2018- Jaime’s World– Excerpt

10/25/2018- Nay’s Pink Bookshelf– Review

10/25/2018- Smada’s Book Smack– Spotlight

10/26/2018- Cutting Muse Blog Review– Review

10/26/2018- Colorimetry– Excerpt

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  1. What a pretty cover! Nice review!

    1. Thank you for commenting! I really love this cover, I might try to buy the paperback just for the cover.

      1. Lol, we all need window dressings for our shelves ☺

  2. John Smith says:

    Monster attacks and various faes–sounds like a complicated world!

    1. Definitely! I loved it

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