Book Reviews

City of Lost Souls Review

City of Lost Souls (The Mortal Instruments, #5)

This book took me forever to get through, and I kinda have mixed feelings about it.

Simon has been banned from his house, as his mother thinks he is some kind of devil pretending to be her son. He is worried for Clary, who is constantly looking for missing Jace.

When Clary finds Jace, her worst fears have come true. Jace is linked to her brother Sebastian, which means that if Sebastian is hurt, he is hurt as well. Clary must find a way to separate them in order for her to do any damage to Sebastian, but in order to do so she must live with the possessed Jace and the strange Sebastian.

Alec and Magnus are going through tough times in their newfound relationships, as Alec struggles to accept that because he is not immortal, he is not Magnus’ first love, and will most likely not be his last.

Maia is struggling to figure out her feelings for Jordan. He did hurt her when he was a new werewolf, but now he is calmer, and she thinks that she might want to go out with him again.

This book just was not that interesting to me. I love romance as much as the next person, but I felt as if this book overdid it a bit. I heard more about everyone’s relationship troubles more than I did the actual action of the story. I especially didn’t enjoy the relationship between Maia and Jordan. Even though they blamed Jordan’s past abusiveness on his changes into a werewolf, I don’t like the idea of a YA book promoting a girl getting back into a past relationship that was abusive in any way. Even if a boy or girl says that it was due to family issues or mental issues happening at the time that he or she was abusive, it is not healthy to return to the relationship.

Also, Clary’s gifts don’t seem to be very useful in this book. If she is supposed to have the blood of an angel, and angels are supposed to be stronger than devils, then why couldn’t she do something about the rune? It makes no sense to me that she just had to basically sit there for the entire book.

So yeah. I don’t really have much else to say about this one. It was pretty disappointing. But I have already started the last book, and it is already so much better than this one. So if you too disliked this book, don’t be afraid! There are better times coming 🙂

Overall Rating: 2.5/5


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  1. […] The crew from The Mortal Instruments has some very nice family dynamics. All of them are very close, no matter what happens, and for the most part they have all stuck together. Here are my reviews for the Mortal Instruments Series: Book 1 (for some reason this review has disappeared? Will be recreating later this weekend) Book 2 Book 3 Book 4 Book 5  […]

  2. I like the first three books in the series, but after that I started losing interest and the books were harder to read.

    1. I agree, I’m struggling with the last one a lot.

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