Book Reviews

Castaway Heart Review

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Look at this beautiful mermaid picture!

Lyna always disliked her twin sister Dyna’s mate, Hian. She always thought that he lacked honor, but she had no proof that he was hurting her sister. She could only go off what her sister looked like when he was around: dejected and sad. However, when she sees Hian about to hit her sister during one of the most important balls of the year, she loses it and uses her siren song on him, then escapes to the surface of Earth with her sister. There, they use a charm to grow human legs and are helped by a Demon Slayer named Sam and a Human doctor who can see through magical illusions.

I love mermaids, and this mermaid story was definitely the deepest one that I had read in a long time. It addresses domestic violence in cultures where getting a divorce is a matter of honor and dishonor rather than happiness. Lyna is betrothed to someone and knows that she has to do her duty, but she knows that her sister should be able to break off the betrothal if she is being physically and emotionally abused by her husband.

This story may have seemed shorter than normal, but it’s simply because I read it so fast. I can’t wait to read the next installment in this series!

I would recommend this to anyone looking for a top-notch mermaid romance novel with deep themes.

This book is also free on Amazon! Here’s the link.

Overall Rating: 5/5

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