I’ve never had a problem getting the girl, until Mallory. Her resistance might have something to do with my incoherent introduction and the pickup line I used. But come on, who doesn’t love a bull rider?
Okay. So, maybe I didn’t make the best first impression but that’s what second chances are for. Right?
I don’t know what it is about Mallory, but I’ve got to have her. I need to get to know her. Who knows, maybe she will be the one to finally settle me down. There’s just one problem, I’ve only got a few weeks to win Mallory over before she flies back to Florida and the odds are stacked against me. But I think I can do it. I am Beau Cooper after all.
I don’t think that this couple should have been together. In the first half of the novel, I really thought that they were a good fit! They had an instant attraction towards one another, and they were sensitive to each other’s emotions. But then things started to go downhill.
I felt like the characters were actually intoxicated for 50% of the book. Most of the story was just them hopping from party to party, from bar to bar, getting drunk, doing things that they regret, and then having to get over the things that they regretted doing. At one point in the story, I was just saying to myself “oh what are they going to do now?” whenever they made the decision to go out yet again.
Beau is not really someone that even seems like he needs “settling down.” He seems pretty laidback, not even that much of a partier honestly. The only girl that was all over him in this book was his ex from high school. Speaking of this ex, she causes way too much drama. Beau is so much of a pushover that he lets her kiss him IN FRONT of Mallory! And then when Mallory goes to dance with his friend and his friend kisses her without her even asking for it, Beau gets mad at her. Like cmon, you just basically made out with a years old ex right in front of her two seconds ago. Even if she wanted this kiss from one of your friends, she would have actually deserved to get it without repercussions this time!
This brings me to the next point. Mallory has intense trust issues. Beau could literally be doing anything, and Mallory would assume that he was out with the girlfriend that he repeatedly said that he did not have. It was just so ridiculous at one point, and no one ever questions why she has these issues. It just lead to a bunch of little fights between her and Beau, and this was before the ex even showed up again. That would have been the time for Mallory to actually get mad at Beau for a reason, but then she gets kissed against her will, and Beau gets mad at her. Mallory’s issues are touched upon when her ex-boyfriend and her family situation is discussed, but I barely remember what exactly it was. It was a very brief discussion.
My favorite part of this book was during the scene where Mallory was in a bit of trouble. I can’t say too much about that because it is a big spoiler for the book, but it was my favorite overall part of the book. I give the book an extra star for this scene, just because it was exciting.
Overall, this was a bit of an underwhelming romance read. I wouldn’t necessarily recommend it, but if you have some time and you want to read it, then you could try it! You might end up still enjoying it! It is a very short read.
I received a copy of this book and this is my voluntary review.
Overall Rating: 2 out of 5 books
Random thought, I know, but wow, I love your new blog design! It’s so cute!
Thank you so much! I’m still working out the kinks, but I think that this might be the one I stick with. Gotta get things organized now and I’ll be set!