Book Reviews

Bethany’s Salvation ARC Review

Bethany's Salvation

Earth has used up its natural resources, and now scientists are being sent into space to try and see if humans will be able to grow plants and survive there. When Bethany is given the chance to leave the burnt-out Earth and work in a botany lab on one of the space stations, she jumps at the chance. Soon, she realizes that life on the space stations isn’t all that it’s cracked up to be. Her coworkers are creepy and she is alone most of the time, but she wants to push through to help her family. Soon, an explosion hurtles her through space. She is rescued by five aliens who claim that she is to be their mate, and she has to make a decision.

This book is very short, but there is a lot of story packed into these small pages. The romance/reverse harem aspects of this novel were definitely fun to read.

My biggest issue with this book was the lack of world-building. I thought that this universe could have been expanded upon so much more. Each of the men had their own stories and even came from different places, and so I expected to be able to visualize their worlds as I was reading. I could not. Eventually, the three characters just started to blur together into one big alien blob. Also, even though Bethany was supposed to have a specific personality, she started to become boring soon as well.

I did like the overall plot and the pacing of the novel, but the lack of worldbuilding and dull characters ruined most of it for me.

I would recommend this book to someone looking for a general reverse harem story, not a fantasy/science fiction novel.

I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review.

Overall Rating: 2.5/5

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