4-Star Reads, Book Reviews

Besotted Review (Carmel Cove #3)

Eve is looking for forever. She isn’t interested in one-night stands or unfaithful partners. Even if she doesn’t marry her next boyfriend, she wants a partner who is serious about their relationship. Then, she meets Miles. Miles makes it clear from the first time they meet that he can’t give anyone forever. He can only promise one night, and that’s one night Eve can’t accept. She thinks she just needs space to get over him, but it’s hard to find that space when he seems to be everywhere that she is week after week. Will she end up getting her chance at forever with the man who never leaves her mind?

I came in not knowing what kind of romance this would be. I worried that this would turn into one of those stories where the male love interest repeatedly tore the female down until he magically found out that he had feelings for her. Luckily, Miles went about things slightly differently.

Miles actually had a good reason not to trust love. After being burned by a very long-term relationship, he had lost all hope for the future. Even though he feels a pull to Eve, one he hasn’t felt in a long time, he can’t give her forever. He doesn’t even want to try to. Nevertheless, Eve keeps running into him, and she makes it harder and harder to keep walking away. These characters definitely had one of the best “enemies to lovers” stories that I’ve read! Sharp writes them perfectly. Miles isn’t horribly horrific to Eve, even when they are “enemies.” He just keeps pushing her away, respecting the fact that she can’t do a one-night-stand with him. Even so, he can’t help the way he feels for her and ends up slowly falling for her further.

Eve had such a good heart. She never complained about anything. When her sister needed her to move out quickly so she could house more women in need in her home, Eve didn’t hesitate to take on another job. It seemed rather unrealistic how she was working 2 jobs, running yoga classes, and still had time to have romantic encounters with Miles. She made it work though! I also really loved reading about her relationship with her sister. As I haven’t read all the books in the Carmel Cove series, I don’t know if her sister has her own story coming up. I definitely want her to find happiness, as well as find out what large secret she is keeping from her sister.

Eve may have been inexperienced with love, but she didn’t let Miles walk all over her or force her out of anything. If she needed a job, she was going to take the job whether Miles would be there or not! Even though she was sweet, she definitely wasn’t a weak main character. Once she got past being nervous around Miles and started teasing him back, I loved reading her character grow and become more confident around him, even though he kept being stubborn and not giving in to his feelings.

The only reason why I took a star off my rating was that some of Miles behavior during certain arguments in the story made me start to dislike his character. Even though this was supposed to be enemies to lovers, I feel like there’s always a line that shouldn’t be crossed. If that line gets crossed, the relationship can end up being toxic. The incidents weren’t that bad, but it did take me out of the romance a little sometimes.

I would recommend this book to anyone looking for a new adult romance novel to indulge in.

I received a copy of this book and this is my voluntary review.

Overall Rating: 4 out of 5 books

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1 Comment

  1. You both bring out the best in each other.

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