Book Reviews

Bailey and the Bad Boy Review (Scandalous Series #1)

Bailey And The Bad Boy (Scandalous Series Book 1) by [Linda, R.]

Bailey has been happy with her boyfriend of 2 years, Chace. However, when he suddenly breaks up with her, she has no idea what she is going to do. On the same day he breaks up with her, Ryder, the school playboy, starts talking to her out of the blue. When she goes on a planned trip with her friends and her ex, she finds out that her boyfriend is now dating her best friend Christina. This is the last straw for her, so she calls Ryder to come and pick her up. After she is done wallowing in her sadness at home, she decides to start a fake relationship with Ryder in order to get back at Chace. Ryder agrees to it, but no one knows his true secrets.

This series is definitely going to be one that I read all the way through. I read the first book last night, and then finished Indie’s story this morning. Each book is nice and short with a fast-paced addictive plot.

Bailey was an interesting main character, and I both loved and hated her at the same time. One thing that seemed strange to me was her random panic attacks. I realize that I had not known her before her relationship with Chace in the story, but for her to go from a relatively stable girl to suddenly freaking out and needing Ryder to calm her down. Since it could be a legitimate reason to have anxiety, I won’t dock any stars for it, but I just thought that it was a tad bit strange.

I didn’t really know how Christina could turn so fast on her best friend. They had been best friends since Bailey was 8, yet she assisted Chace in cheating on her. That just seems, horrible and it really made me despise her, but it can be realistic and show how even people you’ve known for a long time can betray you. 

Also, I thought the backstory of Ryder was rather…convenient in some ways. I won’t spoil anything, but it was just so easy how it ended up being for him. I wish that there had been a bit more conflict. I didn’t completely dislike it though.

Despite those two points, I absolutely adored this novel. I thought that Ryder and Bailey had a semi-realistic high school relationship, and I definitely enjoyed the fact that they had fun just being around each other. I read this entire book in one night, which was an incredible feat for me considering that I was already tired when I got into bed. I had to force myself to go to sleep and not just continue to the next book. This series is absolutely addictive for me, and I loved all the characters. I hope that their story will continue in the next novel.

I received this book for free in exchange for my honest review.

Overall Rating: 3.5/5

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