Blog Tour, Hauls N' Tags

Avatar: The Last Page Turner Readathon TBR

I’m excited to be participating in this Readathon this year, and I finally got the time to put my TBR together for this. I struggled with a few of the prompts, but I think I finally got all of my TBR together for these next two weeks.

Blue Cover / Water on Cover: The Neptune Project
Indigenous MC & Author: Race To The Sun
Green Brown Cover / Nature on Cover: Fablehaven
Black MC & Author: Children of Blood and Bone
Red Orange Cover / Fire on Cover: Throne of Fire
Latinx MC & Author: I Am Not Your Perfect Mexican Daughter
White Cover / Book with Air on Cover: Between the Sea and Sky
Asian MC & Author: Crier’s War
Red Blue Green White Mix Cover: The Storm Runner
Chosen One: The Accidental Hero
Diverse Cast by Authors of Color: Felix Ever After

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