5-Star Reads, Book Reviews

Angel of Death Review

I received a free copy of this book for my honest review.

Someone is murdering people and committing other crimes that have strange religious connotations. He or she is leaving biblical ve+rse numbers and strange other seemingly unrelated numbers at the scene of the crime, and one nun even accuses the criminal of being God coming to punish her. Levi is a police officer assigned to working on this crime, and Giulianna is a professor at a local college that lectures about religion, so she is called in to try to help decipher what the verses written at the scene mean and try to discover a motive for this attacker. While they both work on the case, their beliefs are challenged, not only as they cannot understand why someone would commit evil acts in the name of God, but also as some of the verses and references at the scene contrasts their own long-standing beliefs.

This book refers heavily to the Bible, so it is good to have some knowledge of it before going into it, however all of the quoted verses used are placed in the text so it is not necessary that you know everything about it. Although this book is packed with action and is a smooth read, more often than not I found myself putting the book to the side and thinking myself of my own personal beliefs. This book deeply analyzes the verses into the storyline from all different spiritual standpoints, and by the time I reached a little less than halfway through the book I was struggling to see who I truly agreed with. However, while this book may be very deep and impactful for some, for those who simply want an interesting and suspenseful mystery read this is still a very good book to choose. The Biblical parts of it do not weigh down the general storyline at all, and by the time I was finishing this book I couldn’t even put it down the suspense weighed on me so heavily. By the end of the book, I could only think of how well put together this story was, how everything was wrapped up so nicely, and how the story left me thinking. I advise anyone who is looking for a fresh and unique read to take a look at this book.

Overall Rating: 5 out of 5 books. 

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  1. good review, sounds kinda interesting!

    1. It was! I advise you to read it on your own time.

      1. Thx

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