Book Reviews

Ancient Souls Review


Ancient Souls: (Historical Fantasy Romance Series-Book 1)Death is only temporary and then you’re reborn, sending out a call to other souls linked through past friendship, love—and betrayal.

When WWII nurse Cora Tate discovers she can remember past lives, she is thrust into a world she never knew existed but lived through more times than she could count. Although the memories of her many pasts have not yet returned, she finds herself at the center of a centuries-old conflict with a clear line dividing those who seek power and those who seek to give it. With her superior fighting skills and instincts for battle resurfacing, Cora agrees to fight, joining ancient warriors who could never blend in and a petite female sniper you could never see coming.

With battle after battle, Cora’s memories begin to flood back–though some not soon enough. Their leader, British Captain Alastair Scott, doesn’t hide his feelings for her, barely reigning in his passions in his attempt to give her space to remember. But as Cora’s mind begins to open further revealing her love for Alastair and the never ending war in which they fight, memories of another soul emerge in a far away past where lovers turned enemies and enemies turned lovers.

With her destiny held in the balance, Cora must reconcile between who she once was with whom she was always meant to be to stop the war for good.

It’s been a while since I’ve read a good reincarnation romance novel!

Cora has strange hallucinations, and she has no idea where they come from. Soon, she finds out that the hallucinations are actually scenes from her past lives, and that she isn’t quite normal. In this universe, there are some souls that are “ancient” or that can reincarnate throughout history. Cora has lived many other lives, and soon she will be able to remember nearly all of them. She joins a group of other reincarnated souls, which is where she meets Alastair. He says that he is her soulmate, and soon her memories confirm that. Then another man comes into their lives, someone who broke them apart in a past life, and old battles resume.

Cora was a unique character, even without being an “ancient soul.” I think this is why I liked this book so much. She was already a female nurse in WWII, operating on soldiers with all kinds of horrifying injuries. She was a hero for being able to keep working even though she was nearly falling asleep on her feet, just to try to save as many patients as possible. The fact that she was an ancient soul just made things better, I would have enjoyed a complete story just about her!

Her romance with Alastair does not really pick up in this novel that much, but it is understandable as this is only book one in the series. I hope to be able to read the future books, and to see how their relationship blossoms. This book focuses more on building Cora as an individual character, and exploring her past lives.

Another unique thing about this story is that the reincarnated souls are really old. Rarely do I even see the reincarnated souls characters go back that far in history, so this was a pleasant surprise.

Even though this story was around 250 pages, I devoured it in one sitting. I would absolutely recommend this book to anyone looking for a new historical fiction/fantasy romance novel to read! It is definitely worth your time. Can’t wait to continue with the series!

I received a copy of this book and this is my voluntary review.

Overall Rating: 5 out of 5 books.



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