For this fluff novella, I”m going to do a little mini-review.
Feyre is enjoying her first winter in the Night Court, and Rhysand is enjoying his first winter with his mate. Rhysand is still dealing with Cassian trying to get the Illyrian soldiers to accept women. Most of the book is dedicated to small fluffy romance events between Feyre and Rhysand, as well as the holiday celebrations and gift exchanges.
This book is definitely a setup for Nesta’s book A Court of Silver Flames. A good portion of the book shows how concerned her sisters and Cassian are for Nesta’s wellbeing, and how far Nesta has fallen since the battle against the King. She’s spending all her time in bars, and Feyre wasn’t even sure if she would make it to the family’s holiday celebration. I can’t wait to see how her story plays out in her novel.
Elain and Lucien, on the backburner again. I know that this book is small, but I’m still shocked that there’s another book where they have basically no chemistry. These mates have the least chemistry out of all the pairs, it’s a bit disappointing. Even Cassian and Nesta had more moments, but they don’t even have a mating bond.
Honestly, I didn’t see the reason for Rhysand to keep visiting Tamlin at this point. If Rhysand is worried about Tamlin’s wellbeing and feels like he might be a weak link in the chain of Fae against the remnants of Hybern and the corrupt queens, then he should have someone there who can actually help him. Have someone from one of the other courts go there to keep him company and help him through these tough years until he can come out on the other side. Rhysand antagonizing him and thinking that it’s going to make Tamlin “angry enough” to fight back and get healthy again is more likely to just backfire. If you want to write a sweet holiday novella, stick to writing a sweet holiday novella. This kind of soured the story for me.
Other than that, this is a cute fluffy holiday story. The gift-giving scene was absolutely adorable, and the sugary sweet moments between Feyre and Rhysand were tooth-rotting but cute.
Overall Rating: 2.5 out of 5 books.