Book Reviews

A Brush With Vampires ARC Review

A Brush with Vampires (The Clan-Vampire Clash: Book One)

Lila wants to escape her family, so she decides to go to boarding school with her best friend Val. Val is outgoing, and Lila simply wants to lie low while at the school. Instead, Lila is swept up into all of the boarding school drama, and she has to run around all day with her friend. Lila starts to question certain things about her new school, such as her icy roommate and her new crush. Soon, Lila is swept up into a world of magic.

I expected the worldbuilding to really draw me in for this one. I like books that take place in boarding schools, and I especially love fantasy schools. However, this one just didn’t do it for me.

For starters, the beginning was a drag. I barely got through it, and it took me several days to do so. Then I got to the rest of the story, and I felt as if I was just thrust into a whirlwind of activities. Since the beginning had dragged so much, I did not even know what I was reading by the time I got to the middle. I had to keep returning to the beginning just to recall important characters and plot events.

I made it through the book, but I didn’t have the epiphany that others had at the end where they thought it was amazing. I can’t recommend this book to anyone else, but if you think that fantasy boarding schools are interesting, then check it out and read it for yourself!

I received an advanced copy of this book and this is my voluntary review.

Overall Rating: 2/5

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