4-Star Reads, Blog Tour, Book Reviews

The Witches of Vegas Blog Tour

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Welcome to the book tour for The Witches of Vegas by Mark Rosendorf, the perfect tale for fans of mythical creatures and magical mayhem!

Witches of Vegas

The Witches of Vegas Publication Date: August 5, 2020 Genre: YA Paranormal/ Urban Fantasy/ Witches Publisher: The Wild Rose Press Where can Witches and their vampire mentor practice their powers without being discovered or persecuted? By using their magic, the Witches of Vegas become the number one act performing on the Las Vegas Strip—a great achievement for them, but not so much for the magicians—who can’t possibly keep pace. Isis Rivera is the adopted fifteen-year old daughter of The Witches of Vegas. Zack Galloway is the teenage nephew and assistant to the last magician left in the city. Although they should be rivals, when Valeria, a four-hundred-year-old witch with a long-seeded grudge against humanity arrives in Sin-City, both teens act to bring their families together to stop the evil hag in her tracks. But can the combined witches’ powers and the ingenuity of the magicians be enough to stop Valeria from taking over the city and possibly the world? Add to Goodreads

I was so excited to read this book, as I felt that I had been looking for a tale like this for a long time. What if magic performers weren’t actually just using stage tricks but were using real magic? It would be an easy way not to blow their cover, and they would be able to make a lot of money off a show that no one else would be able to replicate. A win-win! This is the story of Isis and her adoptive family of different magical creatures, including witches and vampires. 

When Isis was 9, her former foster parents sensed something was “off” about her and locked her up for it. Her adoptive parents saved her life, whisking her away to a place where her powers would be accepted. Now she is 15 and has been living in Vegas with her new adoptive parents, helping them out with their show. Isis loves her life now, and she’s prepping to make her stage debut. She even meets a cute boy on her opening night! But then, an old enemy returns, and the happy lives that they have created may be over forever. 

The adorable friendship/budding romance between Isis and Zack was the absolute cutest thing to read. I wish we would get a sequel to this book specifically about these two characters! It was just a genuinely sweet young teen romance included in the story that drew me in more than I expected it to. 

I also loved reading about Isis’ relationship with her adoptive family members. Isis had never truly belonged in her foster family, even before they discovered her budding “strange” powers. This new family, seemingly made up of misfits, always accept and love one another. There were a lot of good themes about family, acceptance, and community in this book. 

I can’t wait to read about these characters in the upcoming books of this series, as this set up such a great base for an amazing world. Nevertheless, I felt like some of the side characters could have been developed a bit more in this original story to prepare them for future books to come.

I would recommend this book to anyone looking for a new YA fantasy novel. 

I received a copy of this book and this is my voluntary review. 

Overall Rating: 4 out of 5 books. 

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Sebastian’s voice boomed through the theater. “Ladies and gentlemen, for the last five and a half years, you have had the opportunity to experience The Witches of Vegas four nights and three afternoons a week right here at the Sapphire Resort and Casino’s main theater. But today, you will be the very first audience to witness something truly spectacular!” Isis’ shoulders tensed. A knot formed in the pit of her stomach. She had levitated many times, but never in front of more than four people. This time, it would be in front of over four thousand strangers. Wow, goosebumps popped out all over her arms and legs. She took deep breaths, just as they taught her, in through the nose and out through the mouth. It always helped calm her nerves. Right now, they really needed calming. “We are about to bring out a new, young witch to the stage,” Sebastian explained. “She will have you believing that a young girl can become lighter than air!” “Lighter than air.” Isis closed her eyes and chanted under her breath. “Lighter than air.” Her hands and feet tingled with each step toward the stage. The magic flowed through her veins like a steady leak from a faucet. “Ladies and gentlemen, put your hands together for the future goddess of magic, Isis! The crowd applauded. A slow, soothing music played through the speakers. Isis took a deep breath, then stepped out from behind the curtain. She could hear the audience but couldn’t see them behind the blinding spotlights. “Lighter than air,” she whispered a few more times. Isis raised her right foot as if resting it on the first step of a long staircase. She placed her left foot next to the right. A few inches separated the soles of her bare feet from the stage floor. The crowd let out an “ooh.” Time to make them “ahh.” Isis reached up with both hands, then, like a swimmer at the bottom of a pool, pulled her body straight up. She floated until her hands touched the ceiling. Way too high. Isis pushed against the ceiling so she’d float down ever so slightly. She let her body go horizontal, then breast-stroked past the spotlights and directly over the audience. Astonished faces pointed her way. “Lighter than air,” she said once again as a reminder to herself not to lose concentration.
Available on Amazon and Barnes & Noble About the Author marks picture Mark Rosendorf ‘s writing is based on the personalities and experiences he has come across throughout his life, coupled with his own wild “if only I could do that” imagination. He is the author of the young adult series, The Witches of Vegas. He is also credited with The Rasner Effect series, a suspense/thriller trilogy published between 2009 and 2012. Mark is a licensed Guidance Counselor for the New York City Department of Education’s special education district. He began his counseling career in September, 2001. Prior to that, he worked in the hotel industry. He has also moonlighted as a professional magician. Today, he teaches magic and Illusion to his students in order to teach teamwork while developing their confidence. Having accomplished his goals of becoming an author, Mark decided on an early retirement from writing. Then, one night, at two a.m., a new and unique story shot into Mark’s brain like a lightning bolt, screaming for him to write it. Mark found himself spending several nights taking notes on the characters and their stories. That is how The Witches of Vegas was born. This is Mark’s first young adult novel.

Mark Rosendorf | Facebook | Twitter

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Book Tour Schedule

August 24th

Reads & Reels (Spotlight) http://readsandreels.com

PoptheButterfly Reads (Spotlight) https://popthebutterfly.wordpress.com

Jessica Belmont (Review) https://jessicabelmont.wordpress.com/

@ace_blackmore (Review) https://www.instagram.com/ace_blackmore/

August 25th

Breakeven Books (Spotlight) https://breakevenbooks.com

@Joanna.Zoe (Review) https://www.instagram.com/joanna.zoe/?igshid=1xipr7pa6a9zl

Inked & Blonde (Review) https://inkedandblonde.blogspot.com/

Rajiv’s Reviews (Review) https://www.rajivsreviews.com/

@betweenthepagesss (Review) https://www.instagram.com/betweenthepagesss/

August 26th

Didi Oviatt (Spotlight) https://didioviatt.wordpress.com

@a.p.reading (Review) https://www.instagram.com/a.p.reading/

Mind of Luxe (Review) http://mindofluxe.wordpress.com

Rambling Mads (Review) http://ramblingmads.com

August 27th

The Faerie Review (Spotlight) http://www.thefaeriereview.com

Bri’s Book Nook (Review) http://brisbooknook.wordpress.com

Dash Fan Book Reviews (Review) https://dashfan81.blogspot.com/

Tales of a Natural Spoonie (Review) https://talesofanaturalspoonie.com/

August 28th

BookishLifeTime (Review) http://www.bookishlifetime.wordpress.com

Sophril Reads (Review) http://sophrilreads.wordpress.com

@thecrookedhouse (Review) https://www.instagram.com/thecrookedhouse/

Book Tour Organized By: R&R Button R&R Book Tours

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  1. Brie,

    Thank you for the wonderful review. I would like to correct one statement, however: The Witches of Vegas is the first of a series. Isis, Zack and the witches will be back in the sequel, titled “Journey to New Salem.” Although a release date has not yet been scheduled, it is on its way and will be out in the near future.

    For updates, you can follow me on Twitter ( https://twitter.com/MarkRosendorf ) or on The Witches of Vegas facebook page ( https://www.facebook.com/Mark-Rosendorfs-The-Witches-of-Vegas-113603592013139/ )

    Thanks again,
    Mark Rosendorf
    Author of The Witches of Vegas

    1. brisbooknookreviews says:

      Thank you for replying, I will definitely follow you and keep an eye out for the next book in this series! I will update my review to reflect that.

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