
50th Post!!!


I honestly never thought that I would ever be able to juggle school, an active blog, and all of my many afterschool activities. In January, I thought “New Year, new me, why not start a blog to fill up the little free time I have!” I plodded along, writing posts just to be writing them, all the while the little negative voice in the back of my head nagged “the blog won’t last past March.”

January growth was kinda slow, but in February things began to pick up, it was a short month for school, I was relaxed and happy. Then March came, The time that I had expected myself to not be trying on this anymore. I had been reading constantly and been happy for a few weeks. Then I crashed. All my schoolwork that I had either procrastinated on or had been recently assigned just piled up until I was up late every night just trying to get something finished. I wanted to throw myself back into my safe haven of reading but I was so tired. Views plummeted as I only managed about 5 poorly written posts.

April came and my self-confidence was low because of my poor blog performance. For the first 2 weeks we tested at my school so I only had 3 actual periods a day instead of 6 and my teachers did not assign work. I read in the morning, before testing, after testing, during lunch, in class, and afterschool. I was inspired by bloggers that I had found on the discover page, and after I subbed them many of them came to show their love to my own blog. In just this month I reached over 60 followers, get daily comments where I can interact with you amazing people, and I have destressed almost completely. Now that May approaches as I write my 50th post, I feel successful as I proved myself wrong by not giving up and finding something that I really enjoy and can be passionate about. Thanks for everything.

With that, here are my future plans.

Video Games

I will probably be only doing app reviews as I simply don’t have the time to finish a long game. If I reviewed long games, I would not have the time to read. I may do a “currently playing” review for a game that I borrowed from a friend soon, but other than that I will be leaving console game reviews for the summer.

Tv Shows/Movies

This has me in about the same situation as the games, I simply just don’t have the time for it. I will review the 2 shows I watch during the week on a weekly basis (Supergirl, Riverdale) but Shadowhunters/13 Reasons Why reviews will be only weekly if that. I only have time to watch these when I do deep hair cleanse weekly (I have a lot of curly hair so this takes 3-4 hours out of my weekend to do). I will post movie reviews if I see them in theaters or after I am done watching the aforementioned series.


I plan to start doing book hauls and weekly reading updates in order to keep on track with what I am supposed to be finishing and not just leaving a bunch of books to lie around, like I am doing now. I also post my reading updates on Goodreads.


I love to knit and crochet, but I have not done either in a few years. Should I create a book-related crafts section (possibly selling stuff on Etsy)? I have the materials but I just want to know if you will be interested.

Contact Me!

I love when people chat with me but since there is no PM system on here, if you want to chat contact me in the ways listed below.

Email: Thelighteninggirl@gmail.com (Yes the misspelling is supposed to be there)

Goodreads: Briennai

Thanks again for being so awesome and I cannot wait for the 100 post celebration!

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  1. FifteenthWonder says:

    Do you take requests?

    1. Requests for books? I suppose I can but if it isn’t in my library and I have to buy it that may take a little bit longer. If you’re okay with that, what’s your request?

      1. FifteenthWonder says:

        It’s not necessarily a book. Actually, you can’t find it in paper. It’s a stage play, transcripted.

        1. That works, what’s the name of it?

          1. FifteenthWonder says:
          2. FifteenthWonder says:

            It’s not too long.

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