Life Updates



Thank you guys so much! When I started this blog, I wasn’t sure if anyone would be interested. Who wanted to read about what a teen girl had to say about random books and movies right? But in the 4 months that I have been using this site, I have changed my opinion completely. This blog has challenged me to read more, to complete more games, watch more movies, and do more of the stuff that I enjoy doing rather than simply wasting my time. I have been motivated to read 2-3 books per week instead of 1 per month, and I am even considering writing one of my own, either using Wattpad or some other source.

That being said, I love being able to communicate with you guys! So thanks to those who have been posting comments, and to those who have not I would love to hear your feedback, whether it is positive or negative.

Also, I am going to be tracking what I am reading on Goodreads, that way I don’t get sidetracked and start on other books before I finish the series that I have already started. My name is Briennai Jackson, and you can also contact me through there.

Furthermore, reading the Novice got me interested in the new talented authors starting up on Wattpad or Inkitt. So from now on, I will review one Wattpad book that I read on Monday, and one Inkitt book on Friday. If you want me to review one of yours, either comment or PM me on Goodreads.

Thank you again, and I will see you guys later!

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  1. Make that plus 1 right here glad to connect and congrats, stay strong ✌😁

    1. Thanks so much for the follow and same to you!

      1. Thanks for supporting my shop dot com by the way hope there was something that caught ya eye worth mentioning. I’m the mean time expect me ✌😁

        1. I saw a few things, very nice scene

          1. Thanks, I try lol

  2. It will grow quicker than you’d think! The key is to stick with it! Best of luck darling 🙂

    1. Thanks for the advice! Good luck to you too!

  3. Congratulations! And it’s awesome that blogging is motivating you like that 😀 Great job!

    1. Thanks! Look out for a few more posts within the next few days

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