This site has some great 39 clues fanart, so I suggest you check it out if want to see more like this! Songs stuck in my head as I read this: Amy and Dan are on their way to Japan to find the next clue when Ian and Natalie steal their tickets and board their …
The Scourge Review (Shattered Worlds Box Set)
Seventeen year old Fennel is Sightless Groundling. This means that she is one of the few people who can safely venture outside the Groundling caves during the Scourge season. She is in charge of collecting water for her people and bringing it back to the caves for the Groundlings and giving some to her …
Norse Mythology Book Tag
I wasn’t tagged to do this, but I saw it on @MyScarletBlog and it looked so cool. The Rules Link back to the original post on Kyera’s Library so I can see all your answers! (Be sure to do this via pingback, I don’t get notified if you just tag my URL) Thank the person(s) who tagged you…show the …
Man Vs. Beast (CHERUB Book #5)
Sorry that there are no songs for this book, but I read it completely at school and so I was not able to listen to music whilst reading it. Hopefully when I have time to read at home with my music again, I will have more songs to put on this list. James, Kyle, and …
Leviathan Review
Songs I binged while reading this: To be honest, music didn’t really work for this book for me, so I listened to this song a couple of times and then I just sped through the rest of the book with only random outdoor sounds to keep me company. Alek is the royal heir to the …
Divine Madness Review (CHERUB Book 5)
Songs I listened to while reading this: Does it count only the chorus’s of these songs were stuck in my head the entire time I was reading this book? I think it counts. James, Lauren, and Dana go on a mission to infiltrate a cult’s headquarters. This cult, called the Survivors, has …
Cress Review (The Lunar Chronicles Book #3)
Songs I listened to the most while reading this book: To be honest, both of these songs made me realize how much I wish that I were a teen in the early 2000s instead of an elementary schooler. I missed out on going to the movies for all of Twilight, all of Harry Potter, and …
The Pirate Episode (Shattered Worlds Boxset)
Cami has been in love with Joel ever since he was a crossing guard for the kindergartners when he was in 7th grade. She was teased for liking him, but it soon passed as he grew up. Now she is in high school, and he is her biology teacher. She knows that she will never …
The Gifted Episode 1 Review
This was one of the best shows I have seen since Riverdale and Supergirl went on summer break! The Gifted is a new story set in the X-Men universe, years after the X-Men have disappeared. Now, people who have gene mutations that give them gifts are being held in government facilities until they learn to …
Germination Review
I received a copy of this book in exchange for my honest review. Mary has been on the streets ever since her dangerously abusive family situation forced her to either run or suffer. She knows how to survive, and has met a few other kids along the way. Together, they have the tools in order …