What a whirlwind ride of a book. Cadence, Mirren, Johnny are cousins, Gat is Johnny’s friend, all four of them spend their summers at the cousins’ grandfather’s private island with the cousins’ family. They all spend time at the Cuddledown house where they have fun and make up their own rules away from all the …
CHERUB #2: The Dealer Review
James and his friends Kerry, Bruce, and Gabrielle have their first mission after summer vacation, and since James and Bruce have been slacking off Kerry and Gabrielle beat them performance-wise in the mission and so Bruce and James must walk back to the hotel. When they arrive back at the hotel, Kerry and Gabrielle mock …
CHERUB #1: The Recruit Review
James Choke, a 12-year-old boy from London, has a rather unconventional childhood. his mom ran a shoplifting ring in the city, so he never wanted for anything that could be bought in his life. Emotionally, he longs for the days that his 9-year-old sister Lauren’s birth father wasn’t in his life. Her father hates James, …
Twilight Eclipse Movie Vs. Book with Spoilers
This review is a tough one for me personally. I enjoyed both the book and the movie, however to me the movie seemed like a larger fan service with mostly back and forth between Jacob and Edward. In the book it seemed the same way, except for the fact that both parties put up a …