In Other Lands Review

Song I Listened To While Reading This: This story follows the life of a young boy named Elliot who is taken from the human world to the Borderlands, where he is greeted by magical creatures and warriors. We see him grow from age 14-17 and he goes on many adventures with his friends Selene and …

Castaway Heart Review

Look at this beautiful mermaid picture! Lyna always disliked her twin sister Dyna’s mate, Hian. She always thought that he lacked honor, but she had no proof that he was hurting her sister. She could only go off what her sister looked like when he was around: dejected and sad. However, when she sees Hian …

Reaper Review (Freya Snow Book 7)

Songs I listened to while reading this:   Freya and Alex are traveling across Europe to escape Alex’s Enhanced handlers and the Council of Light. The Council of Light is chasing Freya because her new powers could be making her unstable. The Enhanced are chasing Alex because she betrayed them by helping Freya. While …