Delta’s family has been cursed by a witch, but Delta is determined not to go down without a fight. She makes a deal with this witch that she will kill someone in three days, and in return, she and the rest of her 7 sisters will be saved. She doesn’t know who she is going …
WWW Wednesday Post
WWW Wednesday is a weekly meme hosted by Taking on a World of Words. What are you currently reading? What are you going to read next? What have you recently finished reading? See you all next week!
Top Ten Tuesdays: Books that Take Place in Another Country
Top Ten Tuesdays are a weekly meme hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl. Onto the list! This action-packed mystery novel takes place in Japan! My Review: Another action-adventure mystery novel by Steven Moore takes place in the Peruvian Andes. My Review: This well-known time travel adventure occurs in 1700s Scotland for the most part. My Review: …
Deception Review
Alexis is an ambitious sixteen-year-old girl and everything seems to be going well with her. Then, things start to get crazy. First, she meets a stranger on a blind date and feels as if she has known and loved him all her life. Then, she is told that she is transforming into a vampire and …
Charmed ARC Review (Cinderella Reverse Fairytale #3)
Charm is on the run from Luca with Cynder, as she tries to escape her former fiancee. Everyone thinks that she is dead, but she simply has to bide her time until she can take back her kingdom. Luca knows that Charm is still alive, but he pretends that she is dead while secretly sending …
Lucky Charm Review (Cinderella Reverse Fairytale #2)
Princess Charmaine is getting married to Luka, but the kingdom has been in turmoil since the death of her father: the king. It is up to her to put her kingdom back together in between planning her wedding and dealing with the press. She almost forgets about the Magi who were looking for her protection, …
Charm Review (Cinderella Reverse Fairytale #1)
Princess Charmaine’s older sister Grace recently passed away, and now she must find a man to marry in order to create an heir for the kingdom. Therefore, her parents host a ball, where she is to pick several men and then court them. She must be dressed up out of her everyday clothes and allow …
WWW Wednesday
WWW Wednesday is a weekly meme hosted by Taking on a World of Words. Before I get into anything, I just want to apologize for being so absent! I was rather busy last week, and so I was planning to catch up on reviews and posts over the weekend and schedule stuff for this week. Instead, …
WWW Wednesday
WWW Wednesday is a weekly meme hosted by Taking on a World of Words. Onto the questions! What are you currently reading? This whole book is a bit of a mess so far? I will definitely be posting a review on this, within the next few days when I finally get around to finishing it. What …
The Magestaff Review ARC (Perrault Chronicles Book 1)
This book used to be named Cendrilla, and I reviewed it before. Now, this is a fully redone version, with a new name, and I fell in love with it even more! Watch out for its release on March 15! Rilla is sixteen years old, six feet tall, and has lived with her stepmother and stepsisters …