I love supporting amazing artists on Instagram. When I first started reading Asbah Alaena’s comics, I fell in love with the art style. Soon, I started following the story of herself and her family. Her name on Instagram is @amuslimmamacomics, and she writes about her everyday life raising children, being a wife, and being a …

The Titan’s Curse Review (Percy Jackson and the Olympians Book 3)
I don’t know where this picture is from, but the watermark says prince-of-the-palmtrees. Either way, this is an adorable picture! Sometimes I forget that Annabeth was supposed to have blonde hair, I keep remembering the awful movies. Yes, I watched both of them, and I still haven’t finished the original Percy Jackson series! I’m sorry. …

Harry Potter and the Prisoner Of Azkaban Review
I found this beautiful fanart here! After escaping from the Dursley’s during his horrible summer between his second and third years, Harry is ready to return to Hogwarts. However, he is in even more danger than he was the year prior. Now, a dangerous criminal named Sirius Black, who was locked up in the wizard …
Amulet Book 4 Review
I found this fanart here! Even though this person hasn’t posted anything since 2014, there are still plenty of beautiful pictures, often Amulet-based, on their account. Emily and her friends arrive in Cielis to receive the help that they need. However, soon her elf friends are taken as prisoners, even though they did not do anything to …

The Cloud Searchers Review (Amulet Book 3)
I saw this fanart here! Katy also has a lot of other cool comics and art on that page! Songs I Listened to while Reading This Emily and her crew go on a new adventure to find the lost city of Cielis, which was supposed to be run by Stonekeepers. She must do this before …
Supergirl Season 3 Episode 4 Review
Supergirl has to try to take down herself this episode. A cult has sprung up in her name, with the people whom she has saved in the past worshiping her. At first, Kara was simply upset that someone was worshiping her instead of her true God, Rao. But soon she realizes that this cult is …