Throne of Glass Review

Celaena Sardothien is an 18-year-old assassin. After finally being caught, she was put in Endovier, the salt mine/prison death camp for a year. She thought that she was going to die in the prison. The Crown Prince, Dorian, pulled her out of the prison and made her a deal. If she would be his champion …

What Bookworms Say Versus What Bookworms ACTUALLY Mean: a Guide on the Words of Contradictory Creatures — Forever and Everly

This post was hilarious and I thought that I would share it with you guys! Bookworms are very contradictory. I’m sure I’ve talked about this before??? I mean, everyone basically contradicts themselves these days (including a certain… American political figure*), but bookworms contradict themselves THE MOST. I think the books just kind of like mess …

Castaway Soul Review

Lyna has returned to her home in order to hopefully lead Hian away from her sister Dyna. She hopes to be able to leave, or at least break off her own betrothal, as she still loves Sam. Dyna remains on the surface with the doctor Lisa. They are getting closer, and Dyna wonders if she …