Death Doesn’t Bargain Book Review (Deadman’s Cross #2)

Death Doesn’t Bargain is the second historical fantasy title in New York Times bestselling author Sherrilyn Kenyon’s Deadman’s Cross series. Where Deadmen tell their tales, and every soul is damned or redeemed by the final choices they make. The Deadmen are back… But so are the demons who have broken free of their eternal prison and are bent …

WWW Wednesday

WWW Wednesdays are a weekly meme hosted by Taking on a World of Words. What are you currently reading? What have you recently finished reading? What are you planning on reading next? I have a lot more than these that I need to finish reading, and I plan to get through 2-3 books per day, at …

Owl Eyes Review

Nora is an orphaned servant who lives with her adoptive family in the kitchen house. Then, she discovers that her father has been living in the house with her the entire time, but when she asks about him, she is thrown in an ash-covered room. The only object she has from her mother is a …