In the future of the US, humans have cured every disease and are immortal. People even kill themselves recreationally because they know that the revival centers will put them back together. The computerized Thunderhead or the “cloud” controls/knows almost everything, so humans have to worry about basically nothing. Everything would be perfect, except for the …
The Sea of Monsters Review (Percy Jackson and the Olympians #2)
Percy has been away from Camp Halfblood all year, and he actually is okay in his new school. He gets to see his mom more, he doesn’t have to deal with his horrible stepdad, and he can go to the camp every summer. If he hadn’t befriended the homeless boy, Tyson, put into the school, …
Angel of Death Review
I received a free copy of this book for my honest review. Someone is murdering people and committing other crimes that have strange religious connotations. He or she is leaving biblical ve+rse numbers and strange other seemingly unrelated numbers at the scene of the crime, and one nun even accuses the criminal of being God …
The Walk Down Roman’s Road: A Story of a Life Shared Review
I received a free copy of this book in exchange for my honest review. The Walk Down Roman’s Road is a short story about the life of a dog, and the life of the people around him from beginning to end. Something as seemingly small as adding a dog to a family can have such …
A Court of Thorns and Roses Review (A Court of Thorns and Roses #1)
Someone please buy me this book, A Court of Mist and Fury, and A Court of Wings and Ruin. I need to enter a giveaway or have all of Sarah J Maas’s books just fall out of the sky or SOMETHING. 19 year old Feyre is a girl who is basically the breadwinner for her …
Raven Boys DNF (The Raven Cycle #1)
I try my best not to DNF a book. If anything, I would rather skip a whole boring chapter than leave a book unfinished entirely. However, I took this book and a bunch of other books on my trip over the weekend. After this book, I went into a complete reading slump, and even though …
Animal Farm Review
The book Animal Farm is a classic that many students have to read for school. However, besides having to watch the movie for an afterschool activity, I was never forced to do anything related to this book. Therefore, I decided to take it upon myself to read the book on my own time so that …
Book Haul
Update 6/28/20: This post was made back in 2017 before I knew about some of the things BookOutlet has done. I now do not purchase from them and haven’t for over a year. Thanks! Okay so when I went to bookoutlet I wasn’t really sure what I would be expecting. I thought that I could …
Flame in the Mist Review (Flame in the Mist #1)
Mariko is the daughter of a famous samurai. She knows that she is destined to marry someone whom she has been betrothed to for years, the emperor’s son. At the age of 17, she is on her way to meet him for the first time, but on the way her group of traveling servants and …
The Hate U Give Review
Starr is a 16-year-old African American girl. She goes to school at Williamson, which is the private high school made up of mostly white kids, but she lives in the Garden, a place that many including herself sometimes consider the “ghetto”. She usually doesn’t talk to many of the people there, simply because she doesn’t …