Title: The Blood King (Book 1 of the Brighton Duology) Author: Liz Long Genre: Young Adult Dystopian Cover Designer: Molly Phipps of We Got You Covered Book Design Publication Date: April 10th, 2018 Hosted by: Lady Amber’s PR Blurb: In the kingdom of Brighton, a President-turned-King offers poor teens the chance to join KEY, the King’s …
Soraya: A Wielders of Arantha Prequel Review
This novel tells the story of how the first Protectresses managed to come to be within their male-dominated societies on the Planet Elystra. A group of vicious slavers kidnapped twenty girls from all walks of life from their homes and forced them to go on a dangerous journey to the market. They also stole the …
Dragon School: Initiate Review (Dragon School #2)
Amel has passed her First Flight, and so she has to train to become a full-fledged Dragon Rider. First, her friend is injured, then she is entrusted with an important message. Just when she was starting to feel comfortable enough to call the Dragon School her home, she’s learning secrets about the school that make …
Bethany’s Salvation ARC Review
Earth has used up its natural resources, and now scientists are being sent into space to try and see if humans will be able to grow plants and survive there. When Bethany is given the chance to leave the burnt-out Earth and work in a botany lab on one of the space stations, she jumps …
Enlightened Review
Veronica has spent the last 5 years mourning the death of her soulmate. When she starts to have strangely painful headaches, she doesn’t know what to do anymore. One day, she visits her soulmate’s grave. She never comes home. When she wakes up, she sees her soulmate Seth in front of her. Then, she regains …
WWW Wednesday Post!
WWW Wednesday is a weekly meme hosted by Taking on a World of Words. Sorry that this is a day late, I got randomly sick last night and wasn’t able to finish much of anything. What are you currently reading? This is about….1/3 of the books that I am currently in the middle of/starting to read. …
Traveler Review
Jessa often dreams about other worlds. It has helped her to escape the world where her parents are divorced, and the only constant in her life is her autistic older brother Danny. She writes stories about her dreams, and she thinks that no one else will ever know about them. That is, until one of …
Top Ten Tuesday Post: Top Ten Books that I Loved and Will Read Again
Top Ten Tuesdays are a weekly meme hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl 1) Freya Snow Series I personally love this series, and I am currently in the middle of reading the 11th book of the series! All of the books are fairly short, and they have really helped me to get out of random reading …
Final Notice Review
Final Notice is an incredible political thriller that discusses the issue of gun control in America. Senior citizens are given a watch that warns them when they are getting close to death, and at the same time, the NRA is advertising guns to seniors by giving them discounts. I think that people on both sides …
Made By Design Review (Blood Bound #2)
Amelia’s visions are getting worse, and every time she wakes up from one, she craves blood. Also, she is now bonded to her friend Kendrick, who is also in love with her, but she is still dating her boyfriend Ty. It is embarrassing for Kendrick to be able to see/feel everything that she and Ty …