Top Ten Tuesdays are a weekly meme hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl. Onto the list! This action-packed mystery novel takes place in Japan! My Review: Another action-adventure mystery novel by Steven Moore takes place in the Peruvian Andes. My Review: This well-known time travel adventure occurs in 1700s Scotland for the most part. My Review: …
Carbon Review (Watcher #2)
Sawyer is now a Carbon and is under Coleman’s control since he created her. Kenzie is also under Coleman’s control, as his arm has part of Coleman’s work in it. Sawyer travels to the United Isles with Max to try and find and find an ally, along with trying to heal her heart that was …
Watcher Review (Watcher #1)
Sawyer chose to be a Watcher in order to protect humanity, and she is one of the best in her field. She has dedicated her life to fighting Bots and Carbons, and she knows that she is probably going to die an early death. Even if she is not killed by the Bots and Carbons, …
WWW Wednesday
WWW Wednesday is a weekly meme hosted by Taking on a World of Words. Before I get into anything, I just want to apologize for being so absent! I was rather busy last week, and so I was planning to catch up on reviews and posts over the weekend and schedule stuff for this week. Instead, …
Project Atlantis Review (Ascendant Chronicles #1)
Kaden Jaxx is invited to a secret branch of the government. This branch has discovered pyramids on Callisto, a moon of Jupiter, and they are etched with ancient hieroglyphs. Jaxx can understand the hieroglyphs, and so they want him to go and translate, hopefully discovering why there is so much energy there. However, when he …
Everywhere Unraveled (Foundlings #2)
SPOILERS FOR BOOK ONE IN THIS REVIEW! Jameson’s secret is finally out. Sophia doesn’t want it to get between them, but others in their lives don’t agree. As a member of the witness protection program, Jameson had to erase all of his identity and move. He is still haunted by the memories of the …
Genteel Secrets Review
Hannah is a typical Southern Belle who lives on a farm with her family. However, her big secret was that her best friend, Noah, was a slave. He was the only one who truly understood her and befriended her, giving her respite from the torture of her cousin. When her cousin threatens to tell about …
The Magestaff Review ARC (Perrault Chronicles Book 1)
This book used to be named Cendrilla, and I reviewed it before. Now, this is a fully redone version, with a new name, and I fell in love with it even more! Watch out for its release on March 15! Rilla is sixteen years old, six feet tall, and has lived with her stepmother and stepsisters …
The Cruel Prince Review
Jude was seven years old when her older sister’s father murdered her parents and took her away to the High Courts of Faerie. While in those High Courts, she and her twin sister are treated as lesser citizens because they are human. They are constantly in fear of having their minds controlled by the Fae, …
Tower of Ayia Review
Callum started off as a teacher but after surviving the war, he has to teach the children at his settlement. He finally found the child that he needed, Dante, who can heal any injury. Now he can venture off to find the other adults, but Dante ends up tagging along. This is another short story …