This book was a regular romance read, but mostly enjoyable. Chasing Red begins with a college frat boy named Caleb spotting a girl in a red dress in the club. She pretends to be his girlfriend so that an annoying girl will leave him alone but then rejects his advances. He spots her outside later, …
I Am Number 4 Book Review
Another book fallen victim to what I like to call the Percy Jackson effect, great books but horrible movies. I could not even make it past the first couple of minutes in the movie, so I will not be reviewing it here, simply the book. I Am Number Four is a sci fi novel about …
Twilight New Moon Book VS. Movie with Spoilers
I really, and I mean REALLY disliked the New Moon arc of the Twilight Saga. I disliked the book, disliked the movie even more. Most of my reviews I will try to stay spoiler-free, but for this one I must delve into the entirety of the book to give the full depth of my hatred …