Skin of the Sea by Natasha Bowen Genre: Young Adult Fantasy Publishing Date: November 2, 2021 Synopsis: An unforgettable fantasy debut inspired by West African mythology, this is Children of Blood and Bone meets The Little Mermaid, in which a mermaid takes on the gods themselves. A way to survive.A way to serve.A way to save. Simi prayed …
Knight Review (Club Alias #5)
Brian has been in love with Clarice for 11 years, but she has never said that she loved him. Although they’ve had a close, and sexual, relationship nearly since they met one another, they’ve never taken the step to properly going on a date or giving themselves a label. This time is going to be …
Chronicles of Iona: Exile Blog Tour + Review!
The Chronicles of Iona: Exile by Paula de Fougerolles Length: 394 Pages Publishing: 25th May 2012 Amazon: Goodreads: Blurb The Chronicles of Iona: Exile tells the story of the Irish monk and Scottish warrior, Saint Columba and Aedan mac Gabran, who would band together to lay the foundation of the nation of Scotland. They were …
A Court of Frost and Starlight Review (ACOTAR #3.1)
For this fluff novella, I”m going to do a little mini-review. Feyre is enjoying her first winter in the Night Court, and Rhysand is enjoying his first winter with his mate. Rhysand is still dealing with Cassian trying to get the Illyrian soldiers to accept women. Most of the book is dedicated to small fluffy …
The Quiet You Carry Review
Trigger Warning: This book deals with topics of sexual assault, sexual abuse, emotional abuse, physical abuse, depression, suicidal thoughts, foster care abuse, and being arrested. This book starts off so strong, but I felt like it fell apart a bit by the middle just to come back together at the very end. I enjoyed reading …
Children of Blood and Bone Review (Legacy of Orïsha #1)
Let me start this review by saying that I love Tobi Lou with my whole heart. He’s a singer/rapper that I’ve been listening to for ages, and my favorite song of his is Waterboy. I also had heard about Children of Blood and Bone, and was dying to read it. I had absolutely no idea …
After Review (After, #1)
I decided to read this book after seeing several scathing movie reviews on Youtube. I wanted to see if the book would be as bad as the movie, and when I saw the negative reviews on Goodreads, I knew that I might be in for a bad time. Surprisingly, I liked the book more than …
The Book of Time Review (Book of Time #1)
I read this book years ago at 13 for a book club, but I never got a chance to finish the rest of the series. I loved it when I was 13, and it’s been taunting me for the 7 years it’s been sitting on my shelf. Now I wanted to finish the trilogy before …
Fearscape Review (Horrorscape #1)
So I came to this book to be scared by horror. I rarely read horror, but I was so bored that I wanted to try something new this summer. I read this book during a power outage, so no lights on inside or outside. I even read it on my tablet at like 9 PM. …
Pet Sematary Review
I have a tendency to stay away from horror novels, as I used to get really freaked out just reading creepypasta years ago. During quarantine, I was so bored that I decided that I was going to try to scare myself by reading a horror novel. Pet Sematary was recommended to me, and I decided …